December 5, 2008

Iddle hands. Happy little fingers.





I am (sometimes) crazy. But i swear this is my first. I remember 8 years ago while i was having my manicure, somebody encouraged me to do a multi-colored nail. Of course i said NO. How could somebody in their right mind do that? I guess I've changed. Clearly, I am not in my right mind anymore.

However this look was inspired by Dane. Thanks girl. Even the pose on my hand to my face i copied from her. hihihihi.

Oh and my toes are yellow.
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  1. Hahaha, very cute, I was just thinking I did the same post.. Nails in different colors are so much fun. Now imagine if everything was neon! *sigh

  2. yeah dear. you are the inspiration on this one.
    we share the same passion for nail colors am sure. that's one of my pleasure, to see my nails polished all the time.

  3. Hi girl,

    Funny your nails colors... :) I vote for funny... Haha...

    xox: Janet

  4. WOW!! The colors are so vibrant and fun! LOVES it!

    I always forget to take pics when I wear makeup, LOL! I'm wearing boring makeup these days, so I don't think people wanna see boring FOTD...I will try to post a new one soon though, so stay tuned! <3

  5. seriously it's a love/hate relationship! aww you are so cute and i love your colorful nail polish!

  6. so cute. i just did my nails today but now i want to repaint them in crazy colors!

  7. I like your blog! and your blog...
    I have a new one, come and give an opinion, it would make me so happy!
    ps. I wish i could be in a warm country too..


You're AWESOME! You know that? You really are.