March 15, 2009

Today I turned 29 - YEY!

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I am the happiest 29 year old woman today!

  • I was woken up by Koffy's slimiest kiss and his breath smells like grilled chicken.
  • Half awake and half dreaming, the sexiest man alive was nuzzling my neck, saying his goodbye before he went off to work, and am wondering why on earth he's always on work on our birthdays and anniversaries?
  • 10am, yeah overslept again, i went downstairs and to my surprise greeted by the cutest smile on earth.
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  • I flipped up my laptop and got a birthday card, again from the sexiest man alive, and part of the card says:
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  • I received lots of text messages from friends and families of course greeting me, hence i found my self smiling and Koffy celebrated this day with some farting display right into my face - it smells awful. The best-est among of the best text messages i received was from mom saying to withdraw lots a moolah. Simply the best. Mom, Dad i love you, and thank you for making me.
  • I am 29. I am happy. I am in the perfect place right now. I got friends all over the world, whom are just all nice and fabulous. You know who you are sisters. Well thank you, for you are all an inspiration.
  • We're going out tonight, probably coffee so we can take Koffy with us to celebrate.
  • I've been receiving gifts from lots of people even before today. I feel wonderful!!!! hihihihi
  • Last but not the least, i received two awards from eve and anett. Thank you girls, you made this day perfect-er! hihi.

I am 29! I feel Fabulous. And this is my day. I am still tired from the last couple of trips, i haven't posted the amazing photos of my husband, but i will find time. I promise.

Have a great day everyone! Thank you for being kind and a blessing to me all these years. I thank God for YOU!


  1. Happy Birthday! I'm glad to hear youre having a wonderful birthday!

    i love your blog, btw. :-)

  2. thank you so much elizabeth. hihi. am having a great day indeed.

  3. Happy Birthday, Denise. May your 29th year be 'fruitful.' Carpe Diem! :)

  4. Happy birthday! I've been following your blog for weeks now and I find it very refreshing and inspiring. Coincidentally, today is my birthday too!:)

  5. Oh, happy birthday! The print dress you're wearing is lovely.

  6. Happy birthday Denise! You don't look a bit 29! much younger! Thanks for the comment doll!

  7. Happy Birthday to you, Denise! that's a very sweet surprise from your hubby, awww. i esp love those wonderful words. sweet! jollibee is yummy! :)

  8. Darling Denise, Happy 29th Birthday.
    So sorry I greeted you late but i know my greeting isn't not so so late.LOL! i was sick. now, i'm back blogging! yehey!

    ey, i love your dress...very nice!
    hayyy, i miss jollibee na esp spaghetti.

  9. to cheryl : happy birthday to you too. but i can't see your blog, i don't have access. hihi. well hope to see you here again. thanks so much for the greeting.

  10. Happy birthday, Denise <3

    I don't think I have read a more sincere, happy, bursting with life post like ever. You are precious!


  11. Happy birthday! I hope your day continued in such an awesome way as it started. :)

  12. happy birthday dear. that is so sweet. I WANT CHICKENJOY, now..

  13. happy belated birthday!!
    ahh jollibee! i tried their food like a week ago or so! My roommate is from the Philippines and she showed me the restaurant hehe :D

  14. hello Lil Miss Sunshine! what a wonderful blog! and look at you, you pretty! and I do love the places where you took the pictures! it s amazing!


You're AWESOME! You know that? You really are.