April 22, 2009

Thrift for Green

It's a gloomy day. Been raining for quite sometime now. Just a little bit un-normal since it's summer here,... supposed to be. hihi. Obviously the world has gone loony. But, anyhow it turned out to be a blessing cos it's soooo hot here now, but still we're hoping for a shiny day especially this coming Friday to Sunday. Please...pls..pls....

But enough about the weather, let's talk about the bag shall we? It's a THRIFT. My very first thrift item. For only 200php (4$) i got myself a huge leather bag! WOW! She's so pretty. Everything's intact. I just sprayed some disinfectant and polished it with pledge taraaaahhhh i got myself a brand new looking bag. I am so happy. You can tell by my big smile ei? Perhaps this is a good thing. Thrifting is good. I know, because am coming back for more.

green thrift
green thriftgreen thriftgreen thriftgreen thriftgreen thriftgreen thriftgreen thriftgreen thriftgreen thriftgreen thriftgreen thriftgreen thriftgreen thriftgreen thriftgreen thriftgreen thriftgreen thriftgreen thrift

*outfit details*
top: borrowed from husband
pants: old bobson, ripped and folded
shoe: otto
belt: solo
bangle: tsange
necklace: quiapo
bag: ukay ukay / thrifted. hahahahaahahahahaa!

Comments and replies will resume on Monday. And am updating my links, so if you wanna be linked please e-mail me or leave a comment.

Have a great day everyone!


  1. Am I first again? :-))))
    You are very beautiful and very stylish. The colour of your top is great. You can match different clothes in a wonderful combination!
    I love the shoes :-)

  2. Denise,love your hubby's green shirt.lol!That bag was a steal.Bon voyage on your incoming trip.BTW, your new hairstyle is great on you :)

  3. You are already on "LOOK 10", if you are interested, please check and do some comment.
    Remember that you can ask for a change of look, even sending a photo with the look you think it’s better, but please make sure that the picture has an acceptable resolution.
    YOU ARE ON: http://look10.blogspot.com/2009/04/denisekatipunera.html
    And if you want you can post a comment on your entry: http://look10.blogspot.com/2009/04/denisekatipunera.html
    making some indications about the look presented.

    You can also ask to be removed from LOOK 10.
    Pick your prize, saying NOMINATED, placed on the left on Look 10, if you want. It’s for your blog.

  4. love the bag! great find!

    xx, Geri

  5. omggg you look so happy! adorable!

    who takes your pics?

  6. Hi! my name´s Alexandra I love your blog.

    you´re in my Favorites blogs!!!




  7. There's nothing like a nice, chic, giant bag to tote around who knows what you might need. Excellent find. :)

  8. I love the top.. I do myself borrow clothes from my husband :P
    i love the bag and the gladiator sandals.. It is very warm here in UK weird eh?


  9. these pictures are all so well taken!! beautiful pictures and i love the green

  10. that's a beautiful bag and a steal too! beautiful pictures :)

    can we exchange links btw? you're on mine already. and thanks for your word of encouragement on your previous comment. :D

  11. Hey...I am so glad I stumbled upon your blog! Other than the fact that you have a great sense of style and the fact that you have a mini photography layout with each post. I am one half philipino, and have never been to the philipines. I would love to be able to follow your fashion as well as see a small glimpse of my heritage in your mini photo shoots. I have just begun a fashion blog so check me out here:
    Maybe we can trade links, I am going to add you to mine tonight!

  12. what a clever disguise! i didn't know it's your man's top when u didn't mention it.

    girl, you should try thrifting more, there are a re lot of surprises!


  13. You almost look like you're on safari! So cute. And thrifting is awesome--and addictive.

  14. Wow
    Gorgeous outfit! I love the pop of bright green from the shirt!

  15. these pics are great glad i came across your blog :)

  16. link me please:
    and pick your prize "AWARD LOOK 10".

  17. Love the color combination. And i especially adore the bangles! How much is it?

  18. Hey sweety! Sorry about the late reply. I love the new layout you've done here. And I must say you are looking as gorgeous as ever in that sexy boyfriend (husband actually lol) shirt! Awesome thrift bag too :)

    p.s. I'm not pinay but my friend who's party it was is!

  19. hi denise,

    i'm so jealous of your pick! i don't know-- i do a lot of thrifting here as well, but i just didn't have as much luck with bags and stuff. this is incredibly good.:)

    btw, i noticed i'm not in your links yet! do add me up, as i'd love to link up with you.:)

    much love


  20. You look great:) I love your shoes!

  21. I love that bag! I love all your pictures. You look amazing in all of them!

    xoxo, Shelly

  22. Oh Denise I love this look. The gladiators are to die for, the color of the shirt, the brown leather accessories...hot

  23. haha girlita, i thought i had you on my links already. i am so sorry, i will be adding you now. ;)
    the bag is gorgeous. i love thrifting!

  24. Great pics! I love your big smile on every pic~! And you always have those beautiful polished nails!

    I love to exchange links with you! Please add me: www.lovestoryrain.blogspot.com

    I have added you!

  25. lordy me, you look absolutely FANTASTIC in that shade of green, love itttttt

    && yes I think link-swapping sounds like a capitol idea, deary!

  26. You look so cute!
    That colour looks beautiful on you!

  27. The colour of the shirt is very beautiful!

  28. i love that you borrowed your husband's shirt! what a great color!

  29. nice photo and like the look
    check and comment and add/follow
    p.s cool blog

  30. U look so pretty! I love Ur jeans! I want them!


  31. anonymous: it's a cheap bangle. i got it 3 years ago i think for only 150php, that 3$.

    thank you all so much for these lovely comments! have a great day!


You're AWESOME! You know that? You really are.