May 19, 2009

I Shall Return



Please click photos to enlarge
  • No wonder General Douglas MacArthur said that. As for me, oh yeah, I shall return, again and again and again.
  • I can never get enough of my beloved country, Philippines. Well my blog is all about promoting Philippines, (and of course 99% self promoting too...hihi, joke!) it's beauty, history, it's people, it's world leading beaches. In this way i can forget the crappy politics this country is known for.
  • Pictures were taken on all parts of the island. ......Oh i don't know where to start. Actually it's my first time in Corregidor. This is the anniversary trip that we rescheduled. It was worth all the wait. So please forgive my enthusiasm if all i can talk about is this beautiful and historical Island that connects Philippines to America and Japan more that 60 years ago.
  • On our first day, i thought am gonna weep. Well am from the Peninsula of Bataan province, which is a 30 minute boat ride to Corregidor, and am so struck by it's beauty, haunting and taunting me on why and what took me so long to come and get acquainted with our history. The discovery was so depressing, in a good way! Cos i used to hear war stories from my grandparents and lots more from my great grandmother, but being in a place where history took place was a LOT cooler i say!
  • Outfits are to follow for the next couple of days. We stayed for 3 days, so imagine the amount of time for packing and the imagination for the outfits. hihihihi. But am still here in these beautiful set, most especially the one where am hanging on by the tree. Spot me?
  • It was so hot that day. Burning hot! I think my skin is flaking till now. Ouch!
  • Ill visit you all soon and leave comments too as i like receiving one, am very much into dropping some too. hihi. And to those who are new to my blog, am so glad you've found me and i can't wait to get to know you more.
  • A BIG thank you to everyone who likes my blog, leave comments that brings joy to my heart! To tell the truth, aside from my husband, family and my baby Koffy, you all inspire me to do better here and to write pure honesty of myself, to not stop dreaming and go places.
Anyway, have a great day everyone. Enjoy all the pictures. Oh there are so manyyyyy. Choosing is hard. I feel sad for the ones not here, but they're all equally amazing.


  1. nice pictures! i haven't posted my trip to corregidor yet but you reminded me :)

    can't wait for your outfit posts!

  2. I love all the shots! Post the rest in the next post! Im pretty sure everyone would be interested in them :)

    thanks for the birthday wish btw xx

  3. Wow your pictures make Corregidor more beautiful than it already is! I remember we went there for our school field trip when I was in 3rd year highschool.. The tunnel tour was the most memorable for me!


  4. Oh how I miss Corregidor! Beautiful photos by your hubby! Can you imagine there's so many wonderful places in the Philippines to explore?! We are very lucky creatures indeed! WOW Philippines talaga! haha :)

    i can't forget the gorgeous ruins in this island. hmm, i shall return!

  5. Haunting photos.So sad I wasn't able to visit Corregidor while I was working in Manila, oh well maybe when I come back there someday.:) Can't wait to see your other beautiful photos. Welcome back! :)

  6. i agree, our country has so many beautiful places! haven't been to corregidor yet but the beautiful pictures inspired me to visit it someday. i'm glad you're back!

  7. Beautiful places! Yo take wonderful pictures. I am glad that you share the beauty of the Philippines.

    xoxo, Shelly

  8. Awww I missed doing Corregidor when I was in the Philippines! I really wanted to see it too. Luckily, I have you to show me some wonderful pics.

  9. I have never been there. I might have to include it in my itinerary next time I go for vacation. =)


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