June 2, 2009



"I believe in pink . I believe laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing ; kissing a lot. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day, and i believe in miracles."

- Audry Hepburn

  • Well in this case i strongly believe in RED too.
  • We just attended a wedding. Being married brings out the cheesy in me. Especially the part when couples finally kiss. hihihihi. Because Kai and i used to practice a lot on our church kiss. Dork i know. We practiced for years and finally decided on this particular move but it never happened. The shy bug in me bit me big time. Who does practice in front of people anyway? But we kissed five times, jumped and danced a little. Our guests witnessed quite a show.
  • Anyway what's your church kiss like? Do tell....
Surprise surprise!!!! i just joined TWITTER! Follow me!

dress: lhasa
shoes : primadona
bag : guess
earrings and ring : from mom
necklace : from boracay
watch : gift from husband
bangle : bazaar


  1. Hay naku, mine was just a peck on the cheek because El Marido was so shy to kiss me in front of all the people.Kaya it was so boring. Anyway, I like your 70s inspired red dress and the opera pearls. So sushal! ;)

  2. What a lovely dress and those shoes! YAY!


  3. eyeloveit! everything, the dress, the shoes :D me and my bf are practicing sometimes and he wants only a peck and i want the whole sweep-me-off-my-feet effect haha.

  4. Cute dress and nice shoes. About the banner, I can't help you with it, because my friend made it for me. I'm sorry xx

  5. You so look great in red. Great quote too.

  6. I love the pictures of you! So fun!

    I think it's cute that you practiced a kiss. I always imagine my wedding kiss to be very sweet. But sometimes I imagine it to be very epic, like a Gone with the Wind type of kiss that takes my breath away!

    But really, as long as he doesn't accidentally drop me at the altar - I'll be fine! :)

  7. very nice red dress, like the accessories too... that's such an inspiring phrase from audry

  8. D, you are so cute and adorable! super. awwwwww. you know, i hate to admit that i'm a cynic, but weddings always affect me. char! yeah, its nice to be in a really nice relationship worth believing. meanwhile, you look cute in red and those sandals are just perfect!

    much love


  9. Oh I found such a beautiful red dress and I think I'll buy it so you just reminded me on it. THX ;)

    And I also like your dress!
    Thank you for a lovely comment!

  10. love the dress denise! and you and i will get along cus i see that you're a funny face making type of girl! hahaha! and who is your photographer huh? may personal photographer ba? im so jealous! hehehe! ;P

  11. I think the Kiss was more like a quick peck. I can be shy with people watching!

    Cute shoes and red is great on you.

  12. Thank you so much for the note. Love the red dress. You have such a great smile. Hope you are having a wonderful week.

  13. You look really cute! The red suits you a lot


  14. i luv the red dress! :)


  15. could you look any cuter?! this dress is so colorful and fun. i really really love how it looks on you.

  16. Cute! That's so funny about your church kiss. :) It was embarrassing at our wedding - everyone kept telling us to kiss again so they could take pictures!

  17. cute get-up! red looks really nice with white accessories :)

  18. you always look so happy and fun! by the way you look so pretty in that red dress, Denise. and i always like your happiness and energy!!

    your dance video made me laugh! haha! carzy dance moves! you are one funny kikay lady. :)

  19. You look ADORABLE! I want to steal your entire outfit from you. :)

  20. My Oh my!
    I want those shoes in shiny black pls! where can I get them?

  21. Denise, I always smile when I see your smile :D & also when I see your funny faces, lol.

    Love the Audrey Hepburn quote~! And red suits you very well!


  22. love that bright red dress on you! GOSH! ;) don't wanna remember my church kiss with the ex. brings back sad/ happy memories. fun that you practiced yours. or was it just an excuse to kiss some more? lol

  23. they said red brings luck. but your red dress also added charm. and kiss brings magic. hihi. Your photos are amazing and inspiring!

  24. Love your outfit and I wanna borrow it lol :)

    Take care and stay beautiful!!!

  25. cute cute cute thats pretty m,uch says it all! love that red and white dress -and your smile!!

  26. That red dress is so cute! It looks so retro!

  27. your photos are just so amazing! hubby is a great photographer.

    oh, and i dunno if it's ok to store makeup in the fridge...i should research that. haha

  28. You look great in RED! That dress is so stylish! AND I want those shoes! ;-)

    xoxo, Shelly


You're AWESOME! You know that? You really are.