June 27, 2009

I Must Have Done Something Good



Perhaps i had a wicked childhood
Perhaps i had a miserable youth
But somewhere in my wicked, miserable past
...there must have been a moment of truth

Cos here you are standing there loving me
...whether or not you should
Cos somewhere in my youth or childhood
I must have done something good

Nothing comes from nothing
Nothing ever could

So somewhere in my youth or childhood
I must have done something good

  • Do you believe in Angels? I do! I married one. hihihihi.
  • And i quote Ana B. of the blog On Dressing Up, "Oh Denise! You are a total beach babe. Your blue suit is perfect against the blue sky and blue water. Your husband makes you and the Philippines look utterly gorgeous." ----and i died! Oh yes indeed. hihihi. Ana, and to all our friends here, thank you so much for the appreciation of my husband's take on me and on the Philippines. He really does not want to be featured here. I guess in blogging there's so much risk in putting yourself out there, so i wanna keep people, things and personal stories within the privacy of my little world. But sometimes i really just can't help it. I know if he reads this, he'll be a little awkward and undeniably cute grasping what i have written, and am sorry cos he really doesn't want this. But "i love you" isn't enough , it's so generic don't you think?, so am lashing out here. ihihihih. Sweet lashing aylavet!
  • Something good is my i love you song for him. The Sound of music has been an inspiration for me growing up. I know all the songs and dialogue. Well am assuming you know the movie right? Every civilized person on Earth has known or have heard of it and if you haven't ...well hello Martian it's time to see the movie. hihihihihi.

this is my most fave photo of him.
He'll hate me for posting this, but oh well i can always ask for his forgiveness. hihihihi.
he loves meeeeee. c",)


  1. What a handsome man! And what a beautiful post - I love the picture collage.;))

  2. Such a cute and heart warming post on your dear hubby. :) Yes, it's such a treat to finally find that person that we've been looking for and then live and plan the future together with him.I wish the 2 of you all best things in the world, more happiness and may you shower us with more beautiful pictures too! You guys make me more than proud of being a Filipina. :)

  3. What fun pics! Like the sound music!

  4. so fun!

    Have a great weekend, Honey!

  5. You're both lucky to have each other!:))
    Fun photos!
    I love sound of music:)

  6. Aw, I love reading how in love you both are. So sweet and that last photo is the best ever!

  7. what a sweet post :D you two look so in love in all of your photos. cheers!

  8. such a cute post. so sweet of you. he must have done something good too.

    click here to visit me at mode junkie! s

  9. such a sweet post, you're a lucky girl but he's luckier to have someone like you.

    Meho xx

  10. it always makes me happy to see two people loving each other. and a poem for him. ang sweet! may you continue living your happily ever after. :)

  11. Awww, Denise, you are too sweet. I'm glad my comment made you smile. You and the hubby sound very happy together.

  12. What a lovely post .. bless you both! :D


You're AWESOME! You know that? You really are.