July 21, 2009

Amnotlying...True Story!

  • This black dress am wearing cost me about 80php or less than 2$ if my math is correct from my recent thrifting. Three days ago i have found this exact black dress from Trinoma Mall, The Ramp, specifically from the brand Missology. The price???? 3,800php (80$ more or less). SHOCK! It was the husband who saw the dress, he called me, and the first thing i did was of course look at the price and GASP!!! i guess seeing and knowing the price made me happy and a little proud. hihihihhi. In my whole life i haven't or will i buy a dress more than a thousand peso. The most expensive thing in my closet is my wedding gown. I just hope ill have a daughter to pass it on. Thrifting is just a marvelous thing, a gift from the mighty one for a frugal like me. I remember a month ago when i saw this dress on my usual "ukay" trip it was love at first sight. I don't know why people didn't notice this dress. Well i guess being in the right place and on the right time is so generic to hear now, but that day the whole universe was on my favor.
  • Am not much of a watch wearer. I don't buy watch, don't wear one, unless it is right in front or my face. All those watches are dead. Kaput! No batteries. But id like to keep them cos they're cute and my mom gave them. Thanks Mom, now they're good for bracelets. I mean, people won't even notice that they are in fact watches. I am probably the only person who wore all my watches the same time that day, but has no sense of time at all. Ask me what time it is, am sure to answer back "probably 3". It's always probably.
It is so nice to post again. I am, for the mean time a very very very busy busy girl. So much to do, so little time. Have a great day! I hope everyone's doing A-okay.

dress : thrift
necklace : Quiapo
bag : guess
shoe : Celine
watches : from mother darling


  1. it's the best thrifted dress ever!

  2. wow wow ur watches are very stunning...
    and ur thrifted dress is amazing too...

  3. that must be one of the greatest feeling in shopping! you're looking great denise! positively glowing

  4. The watches are so lovely! I like the fact that you wear them as bracelets, what a cool idea.;))
    What is that colourful drink you are having in the pictures; it looks very refreshing and matches the green sofa.;))

  5. What a cute dress! And such a great bargain. I love your watches!

  6. I love your bag!


  7. how lovely!!
    damn proud!! u wearing ur watches as bracelets is the hottest thing ever!! awesome!

  8. LOL, you're so cute. What a fabulous find, I love it!
    I think it's adorable that you wore all those watches cause your mom gave them to you! If I saw you, I probably would ask for the time...and if you said you "didn't know" I'd walk away and think you were *mataray* LOL :)

  9. you are SO thrifty, i love it! haha! ;P and i esp. love that you're wearing 3 watches as bracelets! hehe!

  10. you have the cutest smile.
    those are cute wrist watches. can i have them?

  11. You're so pretty in the first photo. Good job on finding that very cheap black dress. You and that dress are destined for each other. Cute nung dead watches cum bracelets. :)

  12. Love the shift and watches! You look so lovely

  13. so pretty!
    i dont wear dresses because i am short but seeing you makes me reconsider and now i want to wear dresses too! :D

  14. that is so cool i love it when things like that happen.. it's beautiful too!

    Meho xx

  15. i'm loving all of your jewelry! the just look amazing with the black dress.

  16. Wow 80 peysos, bongga=) love your watches esp the one with the bamboo stap and the vintage looking one above it.. your skin is so nice!!

  17. Beautiful dress and watches! Love it <3

  18. Great dress! Sometimes, stuff in malls is mass produced (from China) and sold for a ridiculous price when really its only worth a fraction. True story!


  19. your watches and necklace are to die for! you're gorgeous



You're AWESOME! You know that? You really are.