August 25, 2009

Just Outgoing Asocial Not Antisocial


outgoing asocial

outgoing asocialoutgoing asocialoutgoing asocialoutgoing asocial

outgoing asocialoutgoing asocialoutgoing asocialoutgoing asocial

outgoing asocialoutgoing asocialoutgoing asocialoutgoing asocialoutgoing asocialoutgoing asocial

outgoing asocial

So it's true what they say. Dog parents and their dogs look alike.

outgoing asocial

Shout out to our dear sweet friend Abhie for these amazingly gorgeous bead bangles she sent me a couple of days ago. Thank you so much Abhie. I love LOVE them so much. hihihi.

  • We're supposed to go to this falls this morning. The falls am telling you about before. But since it's raining yesterday and it only stopped today, the steep road's all muddy and the car isn't capable to pass through the rocky muddy road. So, I guess no luck today. But we managed to take some photos at this amazing vast green land. No words, there are no words to describe this place. I love it here. Maybe next week we'll start to squat here. hihihihi and live with the cows and carabaos and snakes. It would be fun right?
  • For the past ten years of knowing myself better and understanding the moods that completes me, I've come up with two conflicting words that best describes me: Outgoing-Asocial. Only two? Sad right? But yes I am. I am those two. Yes I am outgoing, I'll go crazy being contained in our home for 24 hours. I always have this urge to get out, go somewhere away from everything and everyone i know, to some isolated place, where there's sun, wind, green, and silence. Take notice, Asocial not Antisocial, cos i don't have tendencies for violence and i care a lot. hihihihi. Am not some crazy psycho that has manic episodes. No i don't. I am NORMAL, no personality disorders either, ooooooor maybe some. hihihi. Gee I am not so sure anymore. Seriously, am not alone on this. Half of the world can relate to me. So that goes to say that my weird normalcy is just basic right? hihihi.
  • On the other hand, Koffy is a social dog. He likes to go out and meet a lot of people and animals different than him. He's never shy. He likes to be the first to introduce himself. He's so not like Mommy.
To all the Outgoing Asocial out there, or just Outgoing, or just Asocials enjoy this day, have fun and have an amazing Tuesday.


  1. you always are smiling in your photos and they are so optimistic! thanks for making me smile with you ;)

  2. wow!very nice accessories po! lovely pictures!:)

  3. Lovely photos! Have a nice day ;-))

  4. Lovely and smiley as always!! Your boxer is cute!

  5. Beautiful scenery! Stunning pictures through and through.;))
    Your boxer is so sweet - my favorite type of breed by the way.;))

  6. you look lovely! and koffy is looking very crisp. Have a great day! :D

  7. honey you look gorgeous as usual, love you in those cut offs and the necklace is so pretty

  8. cute accessories! and the place looks lovely!

  9. Denise, I'll never thought you asocial, haha :) but I know something about it (rather about me). Outgoing -no, but asocial -oh, yes :)
    lovely bracelets!
    btw, my bf likes dogs like yours Koffy, very very:)

  10. you are so adorable...these photos are gorgeous!

  11. I just love that first photo - jump, Denise, jump! It makes your hair look especially good, LOL :)

  12. i love these photos! great jumping pose! I always look dumb when i do that, lol! =)

  13. oh so pretty denise! how do u do it to jump high and keep a pretty face and all? love that photo. and the outfit too! do u workout? what kind of exercise to u do? i need advice XD

  14. Nice nature pictures. I totally get your personality. That's what made me so happy about being on the cruise, I didn't have my laptop and kept my phone off. It helped to give me that isolated, lost at sea feeling which I love.

  15. Hi:) U R so nice, thank U so much for your comment! :) I have transmitted my blog because i want to refresh it a little bit :) I love your outfit and photos. How is made this brancelet? It looks magically.

  16. Pre-schoolers!? Omg, how did you do it? 2nd graders were already driving me up the wall. I honestly prefer 4th graders because they already have a little more discipline :)

    LOVELY photos!!


  17. Love your shorts. I feel kinda envious that you get to wear shorts and a top, i secretly want it to be summer already!

  18. hi denise!
    i love the jumping shot!
    i absolutely adore the bangles!

    p.s mr, freddy has plenty of teeth na!

  19. great pictures!
    interesting theory about being outgoing-asocial. I'm not sure what I am.

  20. I love these pictures, they look so happy & fun :) I love your bracelet!

  21. So fresh! The necklace and bangles are gorgeous. So colorful!

    Missed seeing a carabao. Dito kasi bulls tapos tinusok-tusok pa nila during fiestas. Nyeh!

    I too am an-introvert-extrovert.It's fun to be unpredictable sometimes, hehe! :)

  22. Love the bangles and the view.

    BTW, what camera are you using? The quality of your photos is excellent. :)


    Would you mind adding us in your blog roll. We already added you to ours. :)

    <3 Stylephiles

  23. I can completely relate to you because I'm like you too! Everyday, I just feel like the world is a cruel place (It just seems that way with all the violence and hate) but I know there are some good things to be happy about too. I'm not really a social person either; I would rather curl up with a book than go to a club. xxoxoxoxo

  24. Those bracelets are awesome ! I want the sames ! :)


You're AWESOME! You know that? You really are.