September 30, 2009

Life or Something like it


Life must go on, but i don't feel like it should be now.
Last night i braved watching the news. It broke me more than i thought something this huge can ever put my heart to great sorrow. I know we all are. We're all mourning. And as each and everyone mourns differently i want to do my part. Am saying goodbye for a while. You all know what my blog is all about. I can't blog about clothes and what am wearing when thousands of Filipinos has nothing to wear. It's just not right.

Give me days or weeks or a month. I will be back. It doesn't feel enough just to give, giving isn't enough till some part of you hurts and am desperately wanting to give more than what am capable of. Honestly and shamefully on my part, i have never sacrificed anything in great lengths to help people i don't know. I think it's time to step out of my comfort zone.

Ill miss blogging. Ill miss you. But ill see you again.


Do me a favor and kiss and hug and smell the people you love so dearly. We can't be certain of what tomorrow is. Life is a bubble.

Life Quotes

We're still accepting donations


send RED (space) (amount) to 2899 for GLOBE
4483 for SMART
Philippines only
Do it now, text now.

For US and CANADA donate through the AMERICAN RED CROSS
call 1-800-435-7669

For more inquiries please visit this site ONDOY RELIEF

Thank you all so much. Bless us all.

Lets all make a difference and NOW is the time.


  1. Thanks for doing this Denise. I just saw the pictures of my lola's house in Provident Vill and it broke my heart. I heard another storm is lurking in the horizon. Prayers for everyone.

  2. It was such a tragedy.

    My prayers for everybody.

  3. This is a sad tragedy and mothers nature wrath at it's worse. I understand and respect your decision. Beautiful post...

  4. This is a real tragedy. My prayers goes out to you and all the victims.

  5. ako din po.i find it hard to do outfit posts because of what happened to our fellow filipinos. I hope everything will be ok na.and I know it will be.

    btw, i just did your favor.hehe. feels good!

    God Bless us all!

  6. Hi Denise,
    I know your feeling. Especially, you live right there. It's hard not to see and feel. It's heart broken.
    Yes, my hubby and I did our part through Red Cross before I got your message, and I'm more than happy to post it on my blog. I'll up date now.

  7. What is happening there is absolutely horrific. My prayers are with all the victims who have suffered so much.


  8. This is such a horrible news Denise. My prayers go out to you and the victims..


  9. I will lvoe to exchange links! Have added you :D

  10. Hi Denise,

    I completely understand why you're taking a break & I wasn't sure in the first place if I should feature your interview this week.

    Please take care, I'm thinking of you and your country, it's truly devastating to watch the news.

    Take care
    <3 Christine

  11. hi denise!
    huh! i feel so sad about this news.
    i cried when i saw the photos online.
    i could hardly believe it.

  12. I know what you're feeling right now. I lived and worked in Marikina for 12 years before I migrated here and what I saw was really devastating. It broke my heart.

    My prayers are on the victims.Will be posting links to relief missions on my next entry.Editing right now for posting.

  13. This is so sad :( I totally understand the blogging break. Take care and we'll see you back here soon ok?

  14. take your time its perfectly understandable .

  15. it really is sad. i don't feel right about thinking of shopping or even eating out when so many are suffering. i'll put the money to better use and buy stuff for the relief centers.

    so scared of the approaching typhoon pepeng... pagasa said its going to be a super typhoon!

  16. Hi Denise,

    I totally understand your feelings and your decision to take a break...

    That's awful what happened in Indonesia. Just unbearable to see people in the street. They lost everything : relatives, friends, house...

    That's a good thing to raise public awareness about this tragedy...

    Hope I can read you again some day...

  17. Denise, I'm praying for you as well. I've got family in Manila who were affected, some who have lost everything.
    We're praying you'll be safe and this won't happen again.

  18. Every time I watch the news I wish I'm watching some apocalyptic indie film where none of the depressing things I'm seeing are real, where people are just actors who are safe and sound and comfortable as I type this. But it's not fiction, and that's really depressing.

  19. Hey

    My heartfelt sympathies for you and the people around you. Can totally understand the need to take a break and do more than usual to help out. We will do our part too.

    Our prayers are with the vivtims of this catastrophe.

  20. this was tragic...beautifully written!

  21. So sorry! My heart goes out to you!!!!


  22. hi Denise,

    this is heartbreaking. I'm from the PI myself.

    by the way, i hope you don't mind, i added you to my blogroll. i just started a blog and still learning. i love your style.

  23. yes, it's hard to blog about something material, like fashion, when there are a lot of people who needs help. and i think it's great that you are raising awareness amongst bloggers. kudos :D

  24. I will be praying for you and everyone that is gong through such tragedy. It's is very heartbreaking. ;-( I wil miss reading your blog, but understand your decision.

    xoxo, Shelly

  25. yes it is understanable and i'll be praying for those who are affected

  26. I understand it totally, it's just terrible... there's much more in world than clothes...
    I'll pray for all victims.

  27. ...reminds me of Katrina hurricane in the states, too... My heart goes out to my fellowmen in the Philippines! Bless all their hearts!

  28. Denise, my prayers go out for the people of Philippines.. take your time darling it's more than understandable, yo will be missed.

    Much love.

    Meho xx

  29. today, as always on Saturday and Sunday, i was at the cementary/charchyard to visit my brother, he has gone 1 year ago, but there are still moments in my life, when i don't belive it, it's like another story of someone else. I was thinking about our lifes, what we live for? why the death may come so suddenly. is there any god?
    i am very sorry of this tragedy in your country and hope for home and good life for all these harmed people

    watching the waves

  30. Hi, D!

    Kumusta ka na? Missed your blog posts and your smile and your hihihi laugh.Minsan nga nakokopya ko na, eh. Kelan ka babalik? Life must go on....

    Just waiting,

    Che ;)


You're AWESOME! You know that? You really are.