September 27, 2009

Minnie. As in the Mouse.

  • So this is what i wore last Friday on our Anniversary dinner. It's yellow, such vintage for its design and i love polka dots, and good cos it's making its way now again on the runway. The best part is i got this on thrift. Yey! 90php (2$). Yellow and dots makes me happy and giddy and excited. I can never imagine wearing this dress and sulk the whole time. Just not possible.
  • Anyway the date was quick. Typhoon was coming, and here in the province strong wind is an understatement. Why? Cos it's not just wind, but some branches of trees flying along with it, we just can't take the chance driving home in the middle of the storm and avoiding toppled electrical posts and trees. We've experienced that three years ago and it scared the hell out of me. I was so sure i was gonna die..... Okay. Over acting on my part. hihihiih. But really, i did.
  • We're supposed to go to this farm to photograph this outfit but we never made it cos quite unexpectedly of the heavy rain and angry wind that started on a Friday afternoon. Frankly i was not aware that it's flooding already in Metro Manila if not from my pregnant friend who's by the way already experiencing contraction since Friday. That really got me so worried. I just prayed for the safety of all my friends living in the Metro area especially for her not to give birth yet till the flood situation got stabilized first.
  • So where is Minnie Mouse coming in all these? Isn't it obvious? I am her. When we got home i saw my mirror reflection one last time before changing and thinking my outfit looks specifically like ....something. I kept thinking and i saw the Tom and Gerry dvd sitting on our bed and OMG i am dressed like Minnie Mouse. Total copy cat. hihihhihi. Am telling you the discovery was hilarious. Okay see for yourself.

All i need is a pink bow, mouse ear and tail and am good for Halloween. hihihihi. Brilliant right?
Am i a cartoon or a loony or a mouse?
It all came back to me. While we're on a date, obviously I am Minnie, Husband is Mickey and Koffy is Pluto. hihihihi. Cos we took him with us. Maybe that's the reason we got all those stares.

well, am really hoping everyone is safe now and dry.

Philippines, my fellow countrymen, hope this Minnie Mouse outfit of mine puts a little smile on your face even for just a while. And to everyone have a great cartoony day!


  1. Hey there. I really enjoyed your post. I hope you've had a fantastic weekend. Take care. Have a wonderful week ahead. Cheers!

  2. i love everything about this outfit!!!!the dress is just to die for and i really adore the way you combined it with the red shoes! lovely!

  3. yes denise please do.. we need every single outlet we can to put word of this out. it is VERY heartbreaking:(


  4. I love the dress. The colour and polka dot design is perfect.

    I completely understand about staying in during a typhoon. I used to live in Hong Kong and remember how scary it was during typhoon season.

  5. absolutely love the polkadots with the bright red

    good luck with everything

  6. You're way cuter than Minni but I agree you've got the look! Sorry to hear about Typhoon cutting your date short.

  7. you make one cute minnie mouse girl! happy anniversary to you guys! :)

  8. I LOVE your dress Denise! I cant believe it was only $2! And the red shoes go perfectly. How terrible about the storm, I would be very scared driving in it too.
    Me and my boyfriend have our 7 yrs together too this week :) not sure what the plan is yet.
    I love that you thought of your outfit as similar to minnie mouse :)


  9. You look beautiful in the yellow polka dot dress! And your pictures are lovely. The last picture especially. It so simple yet captivating.


  10. i just completely fell in love with your dress. Absolutely gorgeous!! love the colour and dots!!

  11. you look so cute. i saw images of what happened with the situation in manila. it is terrible. hope all your friends and family are okay.

  12. Nice outfit ! by the way, I love your red shoes ! so cute !

    The situation in Manila is horrible ! I was about to cry when I saw it on TV ! Hope your friends are Ok and ONG'll come soon over there to help people ! Such a terrible event...

  13. That dress is just vintage perfection! You are totally rocking it!!

  14. perfect combination of dress and shoes :) love the colors! :)

  15. Such a pretty dress!! I adore your red flats!! xxoxoxo

  16. OMG I am in love with the dress. I have seen so many polka dot dresses, but this color looks so different in this pattern. and the red shoes look super with the dress.

  17. Who takes ur photos? I heart good photography. Thumbs up! ;)

  18. And another series of fantastic photographs. I am very impessed.

  19. Denise, tara pictorial tayo... mga minnie mouse. hahaha! ang ganda nating mga daga.


You're AWESOME! You know that? You really are.