September 12, 2009

Not a bat, or an Owl, Just a Toothless Vampire





  • I need a potion. A sleep potion, or a sleepy story or a sleep trick. But not a drug, just something, like a miraculous herb to put me to sleep early, say ten pm? I always have trouble sleeping for the past ten years. I haven't had a dream for a long time now. I hate it when my mind is busy, that usually happens at night, all night. I have these ideas and sudden energy to stand up and arrange things or a whim to look and find for something. Honestly i like the thought that am still up when Philippines is supposed to be asleep. hihihi. But i got to say am bored and tired now with this routine and am not getting any younger. Last night i woke up husband just to say i can't sleep. He's out of ways now. He's worried. I asked him many times to just punch me but he won't give in. I don't feel weak in the morning nor sick or anything. Sometimes four hours is good for me. Eight hours gives me headache. Is this normal? It's just that sometimes i get impatient waiting for me to fall asleep that's all.
  • Speaking of impatience. Abhie sent this summer floral dress to me a month ago. I can't wait for summer so i wore this the other day. A bit chilly for a rainy day but what the heck! i love the floral print of this one. Thanks Abhie!
Have an amazing weekend everyone and have a good night sleep!


  1. i am sure you've heard this for umpteen time: you have a lovely smile!

    very cute dress and perfect for tropical country.

    of course i would be delighted to exchange links with you!

  2. I love the details within this outfit! Your nails, your accessories all just play up that pretty floral dress!

    ♥ Christine
    What Was I Thinking?

  3. ang seksi mo nman sa!
    nice dress, denise!
    how sweet of her to give stuff like that.

  4. Cute dress and bangle!

    It's called chronic insomnia. I do have it too. I twist and turn in bed most of the time but I need 8 hrs. of sleep to keep me up and about the whole day.Have a light dinner.Don't drink coffee or any caffeinated drink a few hours before you sleep. Relax and don't think about nothing when you lie down.

    Happy dreaming!

  5. I mean think about nothing pala,hehe!

  6. hahaha ! But I understand your husband who doesn't want to punch you ! (you don't hit the one you love, do you ? lol)

    sometimes I've got some difficulty to fell asleep.
    You know you can stop drinking coffee. Few years ago, I stop drinking this "evil" drink and I can sleep well.
    Or, you can drink what we call in France a "tisane" like camomille or verveine tea which could help you to find sleep.
    Try to drink hot milk with sugar (when I was a teen, that helped me a lot because I was a bit insomniac !)

    Hope you could sleep more !

    PS : By the way, what a wonderful dress ! The flower print is really pretty !

  7. this is so romantic. i loooove the views and your gorgeous dress <33

    and your smile ALWAYS makes my day!

  8. You looked great in that summery dress, Denise. And I love your photos here, they're so warm. =)

  9. Love this look!!! Check out my coverage of NY fashion week and follow for updates :)

  10. Hi Denise, lovely dress, and the surroundings look amazing!
    4 hours of sleep is certainly not enough! 7 or 8 hours are decent, i just cant imagine how you can function with only 4...lack of sleep leads to the same effects of drinking alcohol.
    Have you tried doing a certain routine everytime before you go to sleep? Perhaps burning lavender oil, a cup of hot milk and the same relaxing music every time before you go to bed...may help or may not. There is certainly nothing wrong with taking a sleeping tablet now and again. Or have you tried listning to a relaxation or hypnonis CD before bed? Now im rambling...just some ideas :)


  11. Hello Love,

    Thanks for stopping by my blog : ) This is such a great dress and I love the pictures!

    I am so sorry to hear about your lack of sleep. I have had sleeping problems for about 7 years now so I know how you feel. Unfortunately mine got so bad that I have to take sleeping pills every night : ( but here is a link to an AMAZING all natural Night Time Balm from Origins. Its fairly inexpensive for how long it lasts and REALLY works!! I recommend it highly.

    Thanks again for your sweet comment!!

    <3 Miss Mae

  12. LOVE the photos Denise!
    You look so beautiful!

  13. Gorgeous dress. I love the accessories put with it as well.

  14. so pretty. hope you get some rest soon. love your blog.

  15. looking gorgeous! love the simplicity. and perfect now since the sun is back. no more rain! yey.

  16. Such a pretty dress. Lovely!

  17. love the pics! dainty dress, your sunny smile and a bright day!=)

  18. these photos are gorgeous! I have been having many troubles sleeping lately as well!


You're AWESOME! You know that? You really are.