November 28, 2009




Isn't she lovely?

Earlier today while i was doing my daily routine: mopping the floor, scrubbing bathroom tiles and toilet, my mind would always wander to this shoe. This isn't new, actually i got this almost six months ago with the full intention of wearing it on a special classy occasion, but i was mistaken obviously. You see my social calendar isn't that exciting. I live in a small town province where everything closes before 8 in the evening. Since i won't dare walk her on a field of grass or on a damp soil, until then she's safe inside her box. As for now, ill just continue to think about when am I gonna finally slid down my big old ugly feet with this beauty. Hope it's real soon.

To tell you the truth i feel like am living a double life, between my peasant house clothes that are mostly torn, slashed and old, and here, with all the beautiful outfits in this blog. I don't know. Can you consider that a split personality disorder?


That's why i love dressing up. I get to be another person aside from the lowly Denderella left at home. When i dress up there's another me . Transformed. I feel like I own the night, even for just one night. And in my mind there's still the consciousness that id be going home again with my dog and husband. Thank God I don't have two evil sisters and a step mother. Am the good-and-evil-in-one in our house. hihihi.

Well, just glad to say that am a happy Denderella!

God bless, and to all the Cinderella out there, good day!

Shoes: Charles and Keith

I can't log in to my yahoo account for two days now. So if i don't answer your emails am so sorry, it's not my fault. Some evil genius (smartbro) is behind this and i hope to fix this soon.


  1. :-) we are almost all like this ..don´t worry ;-) lovely greetings from cat
    CiTiEs of B

  2. I think I understand what you mean when you talk about a double life between the true one and the other here, in the blog.
    I do also live in a small town where there aren't much places to go during the night, but if I move for ten km with my car I can easly reach a bigger town with more services.
    I actually wear all the outfits I post in my blog so by this side I live in a unique life, but there others, in my mind, that I hardly would like to dress but can't 'case there aren't...the perfect occasions.

  3. lovely, lovely shoes!!! hope you get invited to a ball soon so you could wear them, Denderella! :)

  4. ahh darling hope you get to go to lots of yummy event to wear all your lovely pieces or better still why not throw some fab events yourself with delish dress codes. those shoes are yum!

  5. i can relate to how u feel abt housework stuff! i'm not married yet, but living overseas w/o ur mum means u've gotta do dishwashing, laundry washing, cleaning up etc all by urself. sumtimes it gets me frustrated and i imagine having helpers like Cinderella's to help me ease my load ;)

    truly pretty set of heels! i love the glitters. N...i didnt noe charles & keith had such sweeties! must check the shop out when i'm back in s'pore!

  6. P.S. how creative! love the term "Denderella"!

  7. love those shoes Denise! and btw, love the bangs!

  8. Ang ganda! No not split personality that's just the beauty of fashion --living a fantasy. Hey I tagged you pala in my latest post! =)

    Join my Perricone MD Giveaway!

  9. i love how you describe your 2 personalities, even cooking dinner in those shoes could make you feel like a princess.

  10. I think all of us are Denderellas. :) We all work, and much as we'd like to be always glamorous, it's just not practical when working. :D

    Those are lovely shoes! And I can see, and understand, why you can't take your mind off them.


  11. Gorgeous shoes... can't wait to see you wearing it.

    Split personality? If that's what you call it, I am guilty as well. Ako buong araw naka-pajama kasi I work from home.

  12. I know what you mean exactly!

  13. loving this post, and gorgeous shoes ~~ ^^

  14. that's a unique glittery shoes

  15. Those are lovely shoes!

    I tend to buy "special" items more than basics... my everyday wardrobe is pretty sad actually haha

  16. those heels are gorgeous!!!

  17. Those shoes are yum, yum, yummy. :D It's also funny, the song "shining, shimmering, splendid" keeps repeating itself in my head. Wrong fairy tale though. :P I'd love to see an outfit with this shoes as the focal point! :-)

  18. Yes, i agree. I think we are all like this. Like, you should see what I'm wearing right now... I haven't washed my hair in 2 days, and I'm in red Garfield boxers and a pink college sweat shirt. haha!

    Lovely shoes though! I can't wait to see how you wear them!



  19. love this!
    so cute
    thanks for sharing
    and thanks for the sweet comments

    check out my blog @

  20. Shiny shoes ! So lovely ! What a pity you can't wear it in a special occasion !
    I totally understand what you feel. I've got a pair of smart shoes but I don't know when I can wear it...

  21. I know what you mean, I rarely get the chance to dress up either.;) The shoes are to die for though.;))

  22. Those shoes are so pretty, i bet they sparkle in the sun.
    This post is so cute :) when im just at home i always wear daggy clothes too.


  23. hun, u can be cinderalla everyday if u want. i dare ya to wear it out tomorrow. i bet it would look good on a LBD. hehe

  24. Lovely BLUE Dorothy shoes! Hihi!

    Have a lovely weekend, my dear!

  25. I stumbled upon your blog and love it! These shoes are out of this world. I just created my own blog, if you get a chance check it out!

  26. those shoes ARE very pretty!!

    and don;t worry we all feel like a Cinderella sometime, for me it's when my hair is out of control and i can't be bothered washing off that makeup cause im too busy doing laundry haha.

    You're still beautiful and stylish so don't let it get to you.

    Meho xx

  27. what a snazzy pair of shoes. : ) xoxo

  28. okey - those shoes just stole my heart!!! xx

  29. Lovely shoes! You can wear it to your hubby's xmas party. ;)

    Ganyan din ako, sa bahay in sweatpants, socks and my old sweaters kasi malamig na ngayon but I do try to dress better when I go out.;)

    Hope you're internet is okay now. Advance Merry Christmas to you too, D! :)

  30. Ooh love the shoes - totally reminds me of Dorothy from Wizard of Oz in an updated way.

  31. lovely shoes <3

    xo, camilla

  32. Oh those shoes blend in so well with the floor tiles!

    Don't worry about this double life thing...I love dressing up for uni but then I also love to slum it at home :)

  33. I feel you! I'm me and then I'm mommy. Mommy is slightly less glamorous. Ah ha. Love those shoes!

  34. Kainggit ang shoes na yan! Awwwww! :)

  35. what lovely shoes! so sparkly :0) i love to get dressed up, no matter what the ocassion. :) take care and stay lovely.

    p.s. I was born in the philippines and moved to Hawaii when I was just 3 yrs.. i've live here for 24 years and haven't been back to the motherland ever! terrible huh? I hope to make it there in 2010 :) my parents are going and my hubby really wants to visit there too.

  36. shoes are really cute.
    i totally understand where u r coming from, writing a blog is a perefect way of getting away from it all.

  37. i can totally relate with u,i also live in a small town reading blogs from my favorite bloggers is a form of escape for me...more power to u keep up your inspiring blog.

  38. gorgeous shoes!! that glittery blue is so fabulous!

  39. wow those look lovely, Sort of magical <3

  40. Wowww,its a huge surprise that these lovelies are from Charles & Keith!

    They so beautiful and I would keep it forever:)

  41. Denise, we're in SLEX. Dioskoday, highway shots yun. Wala ako pakialam kung dami nag-slow down na cars. hahaha! Kapal ng mukha ng nanay.

  42. I would like to think we all have two sides too! A good n’ bad; sinner and saint; a lover and a fighter. Don't know if that is true for everyone, but for me, it is. I LOVE THOSE SHOES! They sort of remind me of Dorothy in "The Wizard of Ozz", except Dorothy’s were red of course. ;)

  43. Oh my gosh those shoes are spectacular!!!

    We all have split selves, we're not 1 dimensional, so it's a good thing :)

  44. you're a cool person, nice shoes or none. :) and yeah, don't worry we're all denderellas :) [plus i do love my dasters!]

  45. Wow, these shoes are gorgeous! High heels, peep toe, sequins, and buckle all in one = amazing!

  46. @anon 10:26 - thank you so much. God bless and hope to see you here one day with your own blog.


You're AWESOME! You know that? You really are.