November 6, 2009

What Was I Thinking

denise by Christine

When Christine of What Was I Thinking emailed me more than a month ago and asked me for an interview, i didn't think much, I just said YES! And for me, just the thought of someone took notice of you, that's enough, it kinda feels soooo uber good. hihihihi.

Read the INTERVIEW here.

BTW her idea of BLT, Blog Love Thursday is brilliant. Where she features her favorite blogs around the world every (of course) Thursday. Well, I remember telling her that am nervous about the questions, cos i hate school, but she made me feel safe. So check her out from time to time. She introduces the blogs you've never seen before, and if there's someone you know out there that has a great blog that she isn't aware yet, please do tell her. The world needs one or two blogs to make us all smile right?

Have a great day everyone!

And of course thank you so much Christine. You are the best.

Check out her blog. What Was I Thinking.


She drew me. hihihhi. OMG. Nobody ever drew me before.


  1. lol congrats looks like a very nice drawing.

    BTW love your pics below aswell =)

  2. I will go and read the interview promptly.;) The shots are very nice and I absolutely love that drawing of you.;)

  3. That was certainly a surprise for you when she called you to get an interview ! It sounds like you're a star ! And I'm going to read this article promptly !

    Nice drawing ! It's so you !

    (Nice outfit by the way ! I love your blue grey dress ! Where did you get this beautiful clothe ?)

    Have a nice day !

  4. ooo congrats on the interview! I love the drawing of you, very awesome :)
    That is the grey dress you wore to the wedding a while ago isnt it? So lovely!


  5. I love the drawing! & congrats on the interview!!!

    About the shade of the Chanel lipstick - check out the last photo of this post & you will find everything you need =]:

  6. That is a great interview! I'm glad you did it, it was fun learning more about you! Great outfits and that drawing is awesome!

  7. Great news about the interview. You fully deserve it.

  8. Hey Denise! I'm so glad you got my e-mail w/ the illustration attached :) This was one of my favourite illustrations & interviews to do! (Keep that a secret haha)

  9. WOW!
    I feel in love with your dress!
    you look gorgeous with this outfit!
    I like so much yous blog, so can I add you to my favourites? if you don't want, just say no!;)
    xxx darling!

  10. Congrats on the feature, Denise! I'll be sure to read the interview right after I type this comment. - You look lovely in grey. It's a very nice colour that suits your skin tone and hair colour. And the pictures of you and the sunset is gorgeous.

  11. I love your pictures, very nice blog

  12. WOW i´m speachless

    Greetings from Lars from

  13. lovely drawing!I'm checking the interview right now:)

  14. What a pretty drawing of you!! I love the pictures on you against the sunset!! They're gorgeous! xoxoxo

  15. lovely drawing ... and great interview .... xx

  16. I really love the drawing of you! You look very stunning in all your photos as always! ;-)

    I read your did GREAT! It made me smile because some of it reminded me of myself. I am also a full time wife and mother and I do everything but laundry. My husband does that! hehehe Thank goodness he likes doing it!

    I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

    xoxo, Shelly

  17. great interview denise! you're famous na! :) galing!!!

  18. Congrats !!Great interview !Ilove the pictures:)

  19. Hi Denise! This is my first time visiting your blog and I just want to tell you that you have an impeccable sense of style. And to add with that, your pictures are gorgeous and they really capture your personality. If you have the chance, please visit my blog. Thanks! :)

  20. congrats on your interview and the drawing!!! her blog is awesome, as is yours :)

  21. Great drawing and congrats on the awesome interview. You have a great blog with awesome photos so I can definitely see why people would want to interview you!

  22. love the blog darling
    thanks for sharing!
    love it, keep it up
    and thanks for the sweet comments

    check out my blog @

  23. This is so awesome! :)

    I also love the your orange sky background. Splendid!

  24. congrats on the interview and thanks for sharing ;D

    helen x

    ps. just letting you know about this free uggboots giveaway competition available to bloggers, if you're interested, visit this link

  25. That is the ultimate compliment when someone draws your pictures. Nice!

  26. hows the weekend dear? did u have more coffee-time with hubby? i'm roasting in my room! really warm 2day~~~ 32-35deg... so gonna head off to the shopping mall later! ;)

    i love the photos of u with the sunsetty backdrop! really pretty. sunsets are so romantic, arent they? N congrats on the interview dear!

    i tagged u for awards, so head off to the my blog to claim them & then pass them on!

  27. That is an intense sunset, Denise! Philippines has the most gorgeous orange sunsets and you look amazing against it.

  28. Congrats on the interview, hon! And what a great drawing!
    Love that last photo of you too :)


You're AWESOME! You know that? You really are.