January 20, 2010






Hope the pile of pearls isn't too much. hihihi. The middle one is a vintage piece from my mom. I first borrowed it from her when i was twelve. And a few years ago she finally gave it to me. One of my priced possession. Mothers are LOVE.

And this dress, of course it's from my recent thrifting. Where else could i possibly get this beauty other than from the mysterious world of thrift shops. I told you many many times, thrifting is gooood. I haven't been shopping dresses from the malls for months now and i don't want to sound too cocky but malls bore me. hihihi. joke! But I love the aroma of malls...hmmmmm money. Smells so delish. Even the shoppers there smells like one. I don't belong there cos i smell like a mold.

So speaking of shopping. I just made a vow, especially to my husband that i won't shop for brand new clothes till May. c",) And I just wrote a big note on our fridge saying NO SHOPPING or Satan will visit you in your sleep. I guess that will do it. Satan is the best blackmailer. Fear is a great motivator.

Okay seriously how do you motivate yourself not to shop?

Follow me on BLOGLOVIN and Twitter.

dress: thrift 1$
shoes: Aldo
clutch : Zoobic Safari gift shop (3 years old)
pearls: Boracay


  1. to motivate myself not to shop? -- I put up the online shop so that when I shop I'd say it isn't for me but for the shop. :D i'm a cheater.

    i love the pile of pearls, denise. and the flow of your dress. :)

  2. not to shop? i try to discipline myself and
    understand between wanting and needing. (need vs. want).

    nice dress, denise! white is always timeless color
    and classy.

  3. I look at my son who will be attending college in 2 years, and that's enough motivation for me to stop shopping (and just be content with what I already own).

  4. Love the dress! I love thrift shopping, too! Oh! And I simply adore those shoes! I want them!!!

    Motivation not to shop....hmmmm...I really don't need to have motivation not to shop because where I live there is NOWHERE to shop! NOWHERE! The nearest mall is 1 hour away.

    xoxo, Shelly

  5. It's hard to say. I may be able with it if I'm saving, for example, for a very expensive purse that I've dreamed for a long time. Yes, in this way I guess I would be motivate enough with stop shopping!
    This dress looks great and I totally agree with you about the malls.

  6. Your dress is amazing ! I love it ! (And I insure you, your pearl necklaces aren't too much !)

    I didn't shop for months ! But sometimes, I couldn't help myself to buy something like a pull or a pair of shoes. But that was all !

    And my boyfriend and I want to buy an apartment so we've got to save our money...

    But at this moment, there're sales !! It's too hard to resist to its appeal ! XD

  7. I dont think the pearls are too much at all..The more the merrier I say :D Hahaha. I adore your dress, it has such a dreamy feel to it. Plus I would definitely wear something like that when out with friends or a date. :)

    How do I motivate myself not to shop? Well I just think that there's far more important things to spend on rather than clothes, like food, necessities or charity. :) (If that though fails, I just give my bestfriend or mom my money when we're at the mall..hahaha)

  8. good luck with only thrifting until May! that is a great goal!
    I gave you an award on my blog :)

  9. lovely dress, Denise!
    i am so in love with your maryjanes! they're so dainty and perfect!

    not to shop?? my nclex exam is surely a piggy(bank) killer! and as much as possible, i only buy the things that I truly need..

  10. Eva Longoria!!!! Thank you!!!

    and thanks for visiting! I posted a new blog look Modcloth there!



  11. i love that dress on you. seriously... looks really sweet parang cotton candy. haha. this is my fave look of you this year. ^^

  12. I love the dress! The sleeves are so pretty! Cheers to talented "thrifters" :D

    This outfit is just too pretty. Those shoes are lovely as well!

  13. first of all, u are really funny denise ;-)...."I don't belong there cos i smell like a mold".

    Anyway about not going shopping ang hirap non haha...Pero ako I just stay at home na lang talaga.

    BTW cute dress, loves it.

  14. not to shop? that's impossible for me. i'd die. even if i'm home! stupid online shopping! lol.

    i really love this look denise. you look like a goddess. so gorgeous!


    ps. i left an award for you on my blog!

  15. the "not to shop" mantra is quite a hard one hihi, though I haven't shopped for anything since the start of january. You're so lucky naman in thrift shops, the dress is a beauty

  16. love the soft and very feminine feel of that thrifted dress Denise. i also love the abandoned place where you had your photos taken.

    have a great day! :)

  17. although i love oversized bags, i am really loving the details of your clutch bag..wish i can convert that to a huge one..hehe.

    hmmmm, i don't think i motivate myself not to shop...i actually set aside money for thrifting or shoes..but i motivate myself to shop only once a month..and just spike up my excitement over it...hehe.

  18. i really like the pearls and the dress, denise. you look very feminine and chic. i couldn't believe that dress is a thrift find. what an elegant item!

    p.s. i gave you an award in my latest entry. check it out :)

  19. Love the layering!

    Im dealing with the same prob right now, I've been shopping way too much lately that I seriously need to STOP and think if I really really need to buy whatever I am planning to buy. Recently, Ive been compulsively buying accessories, UGH! The dilemma!

  20. No shopping `till May? Noooooooooo! HAHA!

    Nice dress :) I love thrift stores as much as you do. <3


  21. You look like dressed for a beautiful occasion, such as a wedding.;) Lovely to see warm weather when everywhere I look I see snow...
    Good luck with the no shopping until May (that is sooooo looooong!), I admire your determination.;)

  22. your pics are amazing. pretty dress too.


  23. LOVE the clutch ! i cant believe that dress was thrifted for $1. what a steal ! its perfect with that clutch

    xx lue

  24. Gasp! The dress is absolutely fantastic, what a great find! You look like a nymph, so beautiful

  25. lol at i smell like a mold. :)

    love the dress :)

  26. gorgeous, gorgeus dress, denise! good for u on ur shopping ban! i admire ur will power:) unfortunately, i seem to be lacking in this department hehe



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