January 15, 2010

Wheel Of Fortune





More than a week ago as i was ransacking through my old magazines particularly for the back issue of Marie Claire, whose cover is Sarah Jessica Parker - pre mole removal, hihi, i stumbled again to a certain article called - Who Wants To Be a Millionaire. And let me quote the portion of it:

Wealth and luxury mean different things to different people. It isn't the very wealthy whose spending gets hit, but the so-called aspirational shoppers-- consumers who "trade up" by purchasing luxury goods when they feel they have the money to spend. A comment on a blog on the Wall Street Journal in January 2008 emphasizes this point: "I suspect a very large portion of luxury item spending is not done by the rich, but by the middle class. I hope those people do reduce spending and start saving. The rich will sail through the current economic situation (these are not storms). Luxury spending is no indicator at all of the attitudes of the rich."

Nouveau riche, take note.

Damn! Am just a thrift shopper, saving a lot and am still POOR??!!

Cause two days ago my tweetmateibyang tweeted this - "the bad thing about these fashion sites/blogs is that they make you want to shop. not a motivator to save money." So i asked her, what she feels about my blog, she did not reply so I don't know. hihihi. Well she was right. Totally agree. Two new shoes every week, countless new bags, on-line shopping every day, "new things". And honestly speaking looking through these high-end blogs makes me feel so POOR. aaaawwww. hihihhi. But seriously I love these blogs. They inspire me to be more creative and resourceful. For me they are my magazine, I buy the magazine but i don't buy everything inside it right?

But it's just a little dangerous for those young people, especially the teens, looking up to them, lurking for their new acquired ebay finds and freshly delivered shoes, thinking that life is all about shopping. Of course there's more to life than shopping, especially when you have a family, paying the rent and bills, a mortgage every month, a kid to send to school and many countless more that you wish you'd never have to grow up.

Well when it comes to fashion blog, I call it like a see it and if I don’t like It I don’t read it. End of story. So look on the left side of this blog, all these ladies inspire me. They make me dream of someday ill buy three shoes a day without hurting my bank account even a bit.

I wish you all a great weekend.

Follow me on BLOGLOVIN and Twitter.

dress : thrift $1.5
jacket: thrift 2$
shoes: Primadona


Mom Fashion World said...

nice post, denise!
love the jacket!
ang galing ng photographer mo!

huh, oo nga i feel the same way too.
i feel very poor din.
parang ako lng yata ang di mahilig shopping.
kelangan mag save ng money for freddy's future kaya set aside muna ang pagsha shopping.
di bale pag mayaman na ako every day i will shop for designer shoes and clothes.

Ohanna CorrĂȘa said...

I am honored to read such a lovely coment, you are a swtheart !!!
By the way I made a compromise with your coment citing it n my post =D
For sure I'll do a make up post!
Any sugestions ?
I love your pics !
My bf just gave me a nikon d5000 but we cant even turn it on, haha...
wich lens are you using ? kit lens ?

Ohanna CorrĂȘa said...

Oh and your post is so true!
I think we should be inspired by those blogs but I think it's so easy to be well dressed with expensive stuff, trying to do the same with cheap clothes is the thing and I really like to see this!

Jing Ocay said...

im inlove with your jacket Ms. D!nice find!
nice post.im so obsessed with thrifting.in that way, i dont feel guilty and it makes us more creative and resourceful pa diba of whatever we have.and you are an inspiration dahil ngkalakas loob akong mgpost at mgpost ng mga naukay ko.hihi.a big thank you for that!
your blog is love love love!!!

Shelly's Style Shop said...

Great post! So very true. Everytime I read fashion blogs it makes me want the clothes!!! Too bad I can't go buy everything I want. =( I love great thrift finds, that is what keeps me going.

BTW, love the outfit! Just gorgeous. =) That jacket is amazing and the color looks great on you.

xoxo, Shelly

Psyche said...

hi, denise! i love your jacket. :)

Most of the fashion blogs I admire are run by thriftshoppers or do-it-yourselfers and they give me confidence that even everyday wear with thrifted clothes, etc., can look great. Yong mga high-end fashion blogs, I don't have much thought about them as I'm not really a fan of high-end fashion. :D (can't afford it)

fadetoblack said...

hey thanks for the lovely complement .

to answer your question (and i know this is an annoying thing to say) I don't use any particular shampoo. im always switching it up.
I do however always use protective sprays and serums for when i blowdry/straighten.
hope this answers your question :)++

C. said...

love the jacket!!

xo, C.

myfloorisred.com said...

This jacket has such a beautiful color! Is it in leather? Anyways, really nice outfit!

Anonymous said...

love the jacket, Denise!
terrific color!

i enjoy going to thrift shops. it's my favorite daughter-mother bonding moment! :) and i love the feeling pag nakakuha ako ng items that are priced bet 50-100Php! haha!

Jess said...

wow that patent blue just POPS! love it :D

Anonymous said...

Necessity is the mother of invention..........................

Anonymous said...

Ibyang should not be reading fashion blogs then. That's why it's called fashion, people have to buy.

nice jacket.

Unknown said...

@anon - i feel the same way with ibyang. She's just saying the truth. And the truth is when you look at these blogs you suddenly see all the "things" you lack. Not to stir any controversy here, just plain old truth.

The F Word Online said...

WHAT? $2 for that jacket? NO way. i love it ! thats the first thing i noticed in your photo and i cant believe it was $2. what a steal !

xx lue

Ilanka Verhoeven said...

Lovely shoes and the pictures are gorgeous!!
X, fashionnerdic.

Zuzana said...

Great thoughts expressed here; every time I read through fashion magazine and see the price on some of the fashion items featured there, I always wonder, who in the world can afford buying those? Not me in any case.;) H&M, thrift and second hand shopping is me.;)

You look gorgeous as always, your husband takes stunning pictures.;)

Have a lovely Friday,

Bella Beatrice said...


toxic disco boy said...

hmmm... who cares? just buy buy buy. you'll be stimulating the economy pa. these people should just lighten up. i mean, as long as you know how to budget your money then you're okay.. and there's always zara for the designer knock offs for cheap. and of course the thrift shops. fashion is not about having the most expensive things... well it partly is but it all boils down to creativity. ayyy... san na ba papunta ang mga points ko. haha. gulo ko!

love the jacket

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Oh, the next wonderful outfit. I love turquoise.

Leah said...

Ang galing...you said it so well Denise. I couldn't agree more. Teka, eh wala naman ako sa left side ng blog mo ah.... hahahahaha!

PS... I will give you my boots and my cardigan in exchange for the dress from your previous post. Serious ako. Teka, ano ba shoe size mo?

Ohanna CorrĂȘa said...

ooooooooo thank you dear!!!
My hair is soo damaged and dry... I always wanted straight hair... I think we are never happy with what we have =D

Sharon Lei said...

That is a great jacket Denise!!

Love & Aloha,


That Girl Lucy said...

I'm in serioud love with your jacket, such a great colour. And $2? $1?! You've got to be the best thrifted ever :)

Unknown said...

your jacket is fabulous denise! you're so good with thrifting. seriously.


www.janetteria.com said...

Great jacket!

Cool post. I really love essie nail polishes.

P.S.: ♥Please don't forget to join the Three Birds Designs giveaway!♥

Good luck!


Maggi said...

I love your fashion sense and I think you find the best deals!

Gizelle Faye | Vanilla Ice Cream said...

drooling over ur jacket denise..hehe.

i totally agree with ur post..
that's why most of my fave bloggers are thrifters or DIY-ers. people who don't rely on designer stuff to look good... some are exceptions because they don't just wear the designer stuff...the designer duds wear them! :D

ps. so very envious of ur backgrounds!

Unknown said...

really nice photo quality - shows that blue marvelously!
great blog xo

WASHMACH said...



o said...

great post, denise! hmm so very true:) i agree, looking through the fashion blogs really does make me want to shop more, but at the same time when i find blogs with savvy shoppers, i'm all the more inspired to save and be resourceful. u are definitely one of those inspirations, denise:)

p.s. i have an award for u on my blog:) have a great weekend!


Leah said...

Denise, okay almost same size tayo. I'm 8.5. I want the black dress.

CDG said...

Great pictures! Reading the blogs of people with money to burn really doesn't inspire me all that much. i'm more inspired by the thrift store shoppers who create their own look on little money. blogs like 'sea of shoes' though definitely do make me envious lol

Camryn said...

I love your jacket! The fit, the color, everything about it. You look great.

mikenbecca said...

Hey sweetie, I have a new blog... thanks!!!


(always)alanna said...

amazing- love the texture of the jackett!
and gorgeous blogg- will definitely be back visiting soon!

Unknown said...

Fantastic thrift finds!

Happy new year, Denise!
Happy weekend, too!


Cheryl said...

AMEN to this. That's why I only shop from the sales most of the time and visit my favorite thrift shop.

Most of the time, people look for who/what you're wearing and not for how you're wearing it.

Love that blue jacket. It's so you!

Noelle Chantal said...

very well said, Denise! and thank you for thrift shops! great dress and i love the first shot! :)

Vera Liane Rea said...

I totally love how you make a point to you readers that you dont need to spend so much to be fashionably chic or stylish. Its all about how you carry it and you carry it so well!.

i wish to get to go thrift shopping with you someday. :)

XoXo, keep it up cause you're an inspiration! :D

Georgia said...

I pride myself in being a teen who actually does understand the reality.. I too manage to thrift a lot, but still be poor? I know how you feel. But back to the shallow end, I love your turquoise jacket.
It would be mine

Jeje said...

We love Fashion and everything about it. There's nothing they can do about that. :)

Btw, nice blazer :)


Nubiasnonsense said...

I love the vibrant color of your blazer and the pics.

I'm a big thrift shopper too lol

Mom Daughter Style said...

love these post. i visited it lots of times already but just now had to chance to comment.

hmmm. so true, fashion blogs encourages us to spend. but i guess, it also encourages us work on what we already have.

Mom Daughter Style said...

oh... and i love that black dress and blue jacket.

bananas. said...

loving that jacket..wait, it was $2??? that's it?! wow what a score.

Anonymous said...

i love your photos may ask you ms denise ..saan ukay ka bumibili? thanx!

Mads said...

Love this post Denise!! You said it very well.. Kumbaga sa highschool e di dapat magpadala sa peer pressure hehe..=] ang Ganda ng pics at lighting mo as always..=]

Anonymous said...

Hey Denisse nice post as always, I have been following your blog for sometime now pero ngayon lang ako nag ka guts mag comment. lovin ur sense of fashion and great pix too. keep on inspiring us:)

Unknown said...

@anonymous: wow thank you so much. made my day.

Ibyang said...

hi denise, i'm sorry if it didn't answer your twit. i remember that day, some emergency situation happened with a tweetmate/friend in manila and twits just came pouring in.

i'm simply stating an observation that's why my twit went like that, an observation of a consumer--a normal consumer like anyone else.

i never condemn any industry that gives work to people. for everyone's information (should anybody care), the fashion industy is very close to my heart as it is the industry that paid for my education, i owe a lot to the fashion industry for being who I am. my family and i have been on the other end (in technical terms, producers) creating and selling clothes to consumers.

there are always good and bad sides to everything. i have seen the good in the power of the internet as it can indeed bring a lot of sales to any fashion company. however, I may have mentioned “bad thing” in my twit because it is my observation pertaining to my feeling at the the time i wrote it.

i honestly feel violated that the twit be published without my permission and to be commented on anonymously.

Anonymous said...

Katipunera, kung saan ka masaya, supurtahan taka.

Anything done with passion consistently is worthy of praise, may it be fashion or what have you (ayoko gamitin ang phrase na yan pero sarap gamitin kahit di swak).

so keep blogging in this third world that needs a lot of inspiration from people like you :)


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