April 6, 2010

10 of 17 Dresses - Popcorn Print

popcorn print
popcorn print
popcorn print
popcorn print
popcorn print
popcorn print

Hi Hello! So how's everyone's Easter?

Let me first state the obvious that i've been a bad blogger. Actually this is the first time since i touched my laptop for 5 days now....I think. And i can't even squeeze a second to tweet! What kind of twit have I become???

Am sorry, It's been very busy and the house schedule is upside down. I don't want to go into details but it's bad. So hopefully this week everything will go back to normal including our sleeping routine. Well some things in my little family is not the typical-normal, I know that. And I also know that I am very thankful for you, for always having the time to visit and drop comments even though i haven't had the time to visit you as well for the last two weeks or so. After today, am back on the blogging game. Promise.

So here's what i wore yesterday. A thrift Mango bolero for 1$ and this amazing popcorn dress (I have wild imagination), for 1$ too. And to avoid a pregnant look, i wrapped myself around with an old belt to show off my non-existing waist.
Have a great day everyone!

Follow me on BLOGLOVIN and Twitter.

dress and bolero - thrift
shoes - YRYS
bangles - Quiapo
belt : ???


  1. Hi, Denise!

    I gave you the Sunshine Award! :) You can check it out here:


    PS. I love your outfit! I can't believe you got them for P50 each.♥


  2. im loving the dress. pwede lahat ng dress mo akin nalng ahahaha =))

    looking good as usual den. and witty ren hehehe natawa ako sa last part, good to see u back.cant wait for u to announce the winner ahahaha :)

  3. I've been a bad blogger too lately! ;-)

    You look amazing and this dress is really a great piece of cloth, love it!

  4. Pretty outfit!

    Hope U had a lovely Easter weekend, dearest Denise! ❤

  5. wow darling...loove your dress!!! you're always gorgeous!!! *_*
    Favolous dog!!!

  6. I love your bracelets.;)
    I hope all will be back to normal soon in your life.;)

  7. you look so dalagang dalaga.so blooming!
    pretty dress!si koffy oh,starring!

  8. Hello Denise !

    Your dresse is very nice ! I love colours !


  9. so cute, though that looks more like flowers to me than popcorns. hahahahahahaha. yung damit ko ha. ireserve mo na. akin yon. LOL.

  10. i love your pink shoes! and i can't wait to join your giveaway coz your dresses are all fab. hope i win. LOL


  11. It's good idea of wrapping with a belt ;) and gorgeous dress :D

  12. Cutie Denise... love the dress. And the bangles too. Did you cut your hair?

    PS... kung si toxic boy nagpa-reserve ng damit, aba ako din. Yung shoplifting dress ang akin. hahaha!

  13. hmmmmmmm.....ur looks is sooooo fabulous.. i love the jacket and everything u put on ur bodies..

    btw where are u from?

    good job dennise! thax for being blog friend..

  14. nice dress, gorgeous print! hope you had a lovely easter weekend :)

  15. what a lovely dress !!! you look great as always.

  16. I hope you had a good Easter! You will have to take me shopping with you when I go visit Pinas soon! love all your dresses!

  17. I had a great easter and hope you did too! I love the print on your dress and the pop of color of your pretty pink shoes!


  18. Just came across your blog!

    It is lovely! Your dress is beautiful!


  19. Ah you are such a good thrifter...I think ive said that before, but you really are!


  20. Hello there DEAR!!!!

    I miss visiting blogs...very busy lately...if only GLOBES mobile internet service is very good with great EDGE signals...I can update all the time via FB and twitter...

    Love the dress super nice my dear..take care always!!!!



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