April 15, 2010



They say, If you want to study yourself, look into the hearts of other people and see how they perceive you, which am very much avoiding cos it's scary to know what other people think of me. It's kind of surreal how people look at you, evaluate you, read you and sum up your whole character that's baffling even to believe those little things you say will be remembered and be part of your record. I love the dynamics of emails i receive everyday. Some of them are crazy. Really crazy. But i chose to side on those that really inspires me. Don't get me wrong, i love the balance of love and hate emails, they will definitely keep you real.

A couple of days ago I received an email from Melai. She's a young girl both in age and in blogging. But her posts were never short of wit and the thoughts she puts in every entry is definitely a brain candy. And i was just surprised when she made a post about me. Am beyond happy. The little girl in me cried. For whatever reason I just cried. It's really nice when some people see the good in you when you don't see any good in what you do. She's ( and others who kindly emails me) the kind of force that picks me up when am sliding and I start to question the relevance of my whole blog.

Here's the article. Thank you Melaibeybeh. Follow her blog. She's soooo good.

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  1. i love this blog...and its true..i tend to be like that which is why im shy around people. i dont want people to judge me especially if it involves something negative..but anyway its part of life and we can't escape it want it or not...but that makes us US..and people would juz have to accept that fact. ang cute naman ni melai hope u can post her blog here too so i can read heheheh :)

  2. ay aun pala what a dunce i am ahahahaha..nakita ko na ang link. :)

  3. Your photos are really stunning. I am in awe of how you got those shots. Congrats on the feature!

  4. Beautiful sentiment complimented by clever photography;)
    I think I was very self conscious about this issue when younger, now I really do not care what others think. Except those very close to me.;)
    I will visit the link.;) Have a great day.;)

  5. hey! :-) im a new follower... hehehe found your blog somewhere yesterday... early today i was trying to remember where...all i can remember is i was browsing through blogs listed in topblogs then someone featured you and gave your link... so i checked out... then im hooked! im a fan! :-) not only for the fab clothes and shoes but with the photos!!! your husband is one great photog! nice capture of the scenery and your expressions. galing! :-)

    anyways going back about my thoughts kaninang umaga...trying to remember the blog where i found your link... galing naman ng coincidence kasi now you're featuring her here din... :D thanks ha. :D


  6. Oh Denise, what can I say... don't worry about the negatives, those will make you stronger. If you feel that you have been fair to others, then no way should you feel afraid to see what's in their hearts.

    I love the feature on you... ang galing! I'm really impressed.

  7. I love your pictures !!!


  8. very nice article she did for you!!! ...and i admire the creativeness in your photos!!

  9. I often wonder how people perceive me too. I wish I knew, I wish sometimes people were more honest with one another. I wonder what people think of me at work...the clumsy blonde that askes lots of questions maybe lol.
    Love the photos too Denise, very clever.


  10. Actually, knowing what other people REALLY think about me is a question that scares me a bit too!
    But, in your case, I'm sure most of people, as the one you got the mail from, can only think beautiful thing about you, and that's easy: 'cause you're a beautiful person!

  11. Ate Denise ^___^
    I'm trying to revive my long dead blogspot account :-). Maybe I'll move here for good. I applied for Nuffnang kasi. Haha. Livejournal doesn't support ads unless it's a paid account. So I can have ads too. Hehe.

    I'm really happy you like and appreciate the article. We meet people for a reason. I'm happy we did for reasons that only may only make sense to us (thank you internet! hehe).

    Again, I love (nth time)your photos in this post! Very lovely. :)

    Melai here!

  12. gosh what a great picture! I adore it!!

  13. U are so positive, loves that. your blog is beautiful.. one of the best!!!

  14. I often wonder what people think of me. It's a bit overwhelming when you really think about it, so I try not to! LOL

    These pictures are so cool! The one of you looking into the pool is amazing!

  15. nice reflection shot, galing ni papa jason!

  16. aw. your blog is nice so no wonder. keep it up! love the post photos, great combination and shots ;)


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