August 25, 2010

The Bigger, The Better

maternity pants
maternity pants
maternity pants

Dressing for two is definitely by far, the most wonderful, and fun, and surreal moment of my life, in a fashion kind of sense of course. I guess you know me by now, I don't like clingy/tight clothes. Am not confident with my God given shape but am very thankful God gave me them. Will never show my arm, shoulder, waist and thigh. Why?? ....Because....

Well I don't know. Some things are still a mystery to me.

What am trying to say is, right now am very confident about my non existing waist more than ever. The bigger it is, it definitely gives better spunk in my spirit. Am seizing this moment to be more dash, cool and fun, cos before I know it, it's going to be December, and am not pregnant anymore. 

If there's one thing about me, is that I don't like to look in the mirror, but since now that am loving my growing shape, more often than not, am checking out myself  in every mirror and glasses I see. This change is soooooo super cool, I love it.

Woaaah. Time flies so fast, it's Wednesday already? Anyway, just enjoy and have fun. God Bless everyone.

Follow me on BLOGLOVIN and Twitter

top: old, YRYS
pants: Mint
bag: old, Rusty Lopez
shoes: from Hong Kong 


  1. u look so gorgeous mommy! :) i love this picture of u and baby!

    nice curly hair!! lovely!

    take care..

  2. The confidence radiates right out of you. :-) I love your hair!

  3. I love this look girl.=)
    Oh love love ur Hair!!!=)

  4. Good to know you're having so much fun dressing up for you and baby! =) You still have 4 months! Have a great Wednesday! =)

    PS: I can't help but notice the lovely door!

  5. You are so cute! It's so nice to see a woman who isn't afraid of showing her baby belly! <3

    Oh, and those sandals are fantastic. I love them.

  6. Wow, your baby bump is getting really big na! And you look so good in harem pants. I'd love to see you wear them more often! I've been thinking of getting a pair, but I never know what to wear with it.

  7. cute hair...
    bigger bump.,.,
    Oh! you still look very beautiful.

    Have a great day!!!

  8. beautiful hairstyle, dear <3 and the shirt is gorgeous too!

  9. I'm sure every woman would pay to look pregnant as good as you!

  10. Looking so goooood! :)) Pretty pretty soon-to-be mom! You're glowing!

  11. Your looking lurrrvely Denise!
    Can i ask, are you going to find out what sex the baby will be?


  12. YOu absolutely look lovely ate den! Super glowing! Grabe love the curls :)

    Melai of Style and Soul

  13. oh!! malaki na nga! you're so inspiring! i hope preggy people wud be as sipag as u in prettifying themselves more and more! pala-ayos, and looking fresh always!

  14. awww i super love this denise!!! i love that you're glowing and you're chica as ever!:)

  15. I love, love, love your pants! ^^

    xoxo Sandra


You're AWESOME! You know that? You really are.