August 6, 2010

Blast From The Past


I will always thank my parents for interfering most of my life. Especially to my Dad for making me enroll to a College i never wanted to go. If it weren't for his strong conviction about my career I would never have met my friends now. Sure, maybe id still have friends but am convinced that they're the best for me. I may have not understood a thing in College but my friends, I consider them my treasure and education. To tell the truth, I endured College because of them. It's always fun and laugh.  Perhaps the topic shifted to babies, poops and diapers now, but again the hilarity is always there. Almost most of us are married and has kids now, so the whole bunch is getting bigger, a little chaotic, but much happier. And we're gonna see each other again this weekend for one of my friend's daughter's 1st birthday party. It's gonna be fun. Yey!

It's nice to see that after college, after 13 years, and distances we've maintained the physical aspect of our friendship.

So, have you seen your friends lately? Go see them now. It will do you good. Have a great weekend everyone. Have fun.

Follow me on BLOGLOVIN and Twitter

dress: Thrift
shoes: Le donne
bag: from Hong Kong
belt: Sm dept. store

regarding my previous post. Yes am a bit sad that day. It's not me, It's the hormones. These days am a cry baby. Even Toy Story makes me cry. Even the Mulan song. I don't remember myself being this emotional before. And lately I've been thinking about my late grandparents and my great grandmother, my cousin who passed last year. She was my age. Woaah. Am really pregnant and getting so old. hihihihi.


  1. i love love your shoes! and the colour of your bag!

    i know what you mean about friends... i love my friends. :)

    ah the hormones are going haywire eh? i'm also such a crybaby and very sensitive my whole pregnancy.

  2. Ate den! Love the color on your skin. Aaaw. Everyday you're soo inspiring. Bigla tuloy akong nalungkot. Yeah haven't seen elementary and hs friend in a long time na... :( Don't worry preggy hormones, you'll get used to it. I wish you a safe pregnancy :)

    Melai of Style and Soul

  3. all you wrote is a truth. our parents want best for us and that's what usually turns out when we are older.
    your belly is getting more and more visible, i love how beautiful pregnant woman looks.. seriously, a real beauty :)

  4. Beautiful!!!

    LOVE minnja

  5. hi, Denise! i think you can register on weardrobe even w/o an invite or code or anything. the sign up page is over here. :)

    boat ride through the sky

  6. i love how you paired the orange dress with your blue bag. so vibrant!

  7. I love the color of the dress plus the fusion of the blue bag...and your shoes are just fab!!!!

    Well, in our bunch most of us are still single though I have seen some of my batchmates having kids now.

    So hopefully one day, we will be just like you and your friends Denise.

    Hanging out with our little kiddos!!!!

    great post love...happy to see your smile...

    take care gorgeous!

  8. the bag is to die for denise!
    so chic!

    i have recently spent more time with friends in high school and college...and every time we meet, it's the same old fun and bond that we have. i love it. i love them!

    ♥ vanilla ice cream ♥

  9. This is great. You're very lucky to have a group of friends who you can grow up with, Denise. Yesterday, I met up with all of my childhood neighbors to celebrate a debut. It's so amazing to me that we all still get together despite the age differences, living in different places and having different schools and jobs.

    Your post made me think about that and appreciate it. So thank you!

    B from A plus B

  10. The colour of that dress looks amazing on you! Especially with the bright blue bag - gorgeous combination!

  11. i love how you mix crazy colors and get away with it! and you´re glowing babe!

    xoxo Mode Junkie

  12. that's one fabulous dress! and i love the photos :))

  13. Oh my god, I think I see your baby bump! :)

  14. What a radiant summer outfit, I love the orange with the blue x


You're AWESOME! You know that? You really are.