August 4, 2010

Deep Sapphire

sapphire blue dress
sapphire blue dress
sapphire blue dress

One particular day in my life I felt that life was unfair. Am not complaining at all, but sometimes I see myself differently from what people perceive in me. Id be happy, id be afraid. Sometimes it will last for days. But then joy and horror were over in minutes then id feel empty. Such a small event impressed heavily on me. For the first time in my life I really understood how fleeting life is. How precious are the moments we are given and how costly life is if we neglect those moments. Good memories comfort me, and they remind me that though I am getting older, I can still play a good part and make things happen for me. And when life is too hard for me to continue alone, God will always send someone to lend a hand.

Honestly, I feel blessed to play a small part in this life and in the life of all the people I've known, talked to, fell in love with even for such a short span, and the friendship that survived and didn't survived. I discovered that though nature can sometimes be very cruel, God is intimately aware of our need, and he will often send someone, just as he sent me this baby to carry safely for 9 months, just mine, inside me, alone for me to cherish this amazing blessing I never thought will happen for me anymore.

I know, I sound selfish. But that's the truth. Every pain, discomfort, ups and downs of pregnancy is a badge of honor only a pregnant woman can claim. This is a blessing. My body is blessed with a sprung of life. Am a walking, sitting, laughing, crying miracle right now. And life is just sweet.

Claim a miracle today my friend. God bless.

Follow me on BLOGLOVIN and Twitter

dress: thrift
shoes: Mendrez
clutch: Quiapo
earrings: H&M


  1. this is very true, Denise! i feel the same way most of the same..i love your entire look! =)

  2. Wonderfully inspriring post!
    Love your dress :)

  3. hi, ms. denise, i've been there thrice. the pregnancy hormones are working on your emotions. but i tell you this is one of the most precious gifts God can give to a woman- motherhood. i won't tell you details, but this i can assure you- there are a lot more little blessings and joys pregnancy and giving birth will bring you. take care. you are such a very chic preggy lady! may i invite you to take a look at my blog, too.

  4. Aww Denise, a big hug! :D I wouldnt know how it feels to be pregnant since Im still too young but I know that when I am, I will feel so blessed that God gave me a chance to carry a child into this world. :) You'll be a lovely mom Denise, I don't doubt that at all! :D Plus for sure you're gonna be one of most glam, hip, stylish moms out there. :D Cheers! :*

  5. You're the most inspiring lady, Denise. I admire your faith and your positive outlook in life. But you're also very honest and real. That's why I always come back to this blog.

    I only have good wishes for you and your little family :)

    B from A plus B

  6. royal blue is your color babe. enjoy your pregnancy! it is indeed a blessing to carry life within you.

    xoxo Mode Junkie

  7. love the colour of your dress denise!!! pretty preggy!

  8. ooh-la-la! i-la-la-la-love this!!! you look great in that deep blue dress. and the yellow accessories look great with the blue!

  9. Aaaaw Ate Den, thanks so much for the comment you left in my blog. It's really encouraging. Even this entry. I'm always amazed at how most if not all of your deep thoughts are really relatable and inspiring.

    I haven't felt the pregnancy part but it keeps me looking forward to it one day. But on feeling empty and at times feeling that life is unfair, how precious moments are, how God continues to be there, yes I feel like I can relate - bullseye.

    Thank you for the everyday inspiration. Yes. I'm claiming a miracle Ate Den! I always wish you God's best.

    Melai of Style and Soul

  10. Wowwat a nice thrifted dress! It's nice to be preggy DENISE!My tokayo!:)

    You look like not preggy nga e! so pretty!:)

    Denise Simone's Closet

  11. you look beautiful. yellow and blue is my favorite combo. i really loved reading this post. it made me feel very thankful for all my blessings. you are going to be such a wonderful mother, any child who has a parent that can think like that is lucky to have them.

  12. I completely agree with the beautiful things you wrote about being pregnant. I'm not pregnant nor have I ever been, but I feel like it is an incredibly miraculous experience. I wish more women would talk openly about it as you! We tend to take pregnancy for granted.

    Stay gorgeous!

  13. I love your outfit!!:) you don't look pregnant, galing!:) I hope mabuntis na din ako this year :) baby dust please :)


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