August 19, 2010



The idea of death scares everyone, and yes including me. Nobody wants to die unless you're a freak. So let's make it fun. Say, we all go to heaven. Weeeeee!!!! So in my head my idea of heaven would be....
  • Friends, family, husband's smell and Koffy's slimy kisses.
  • Being healthy, happy, quirky and fun
  • Beach, sun, perfect tan
  • Cheese cake, pizza and all the sugary fatty food
  • Dust-free home, and a pimple free skin
  • A Cadillac, a vintage store
  • Dogs and babies
  • Paris, Egypt, Greece, Barbados, Morocco and the whole wide world. 
  • Fish balls
Well that's it for now. How about you? What's your idea of heaven?

Have a great day. See you all in heaven. Don't forget to bring your embellished halos. 

Follow me on BLOGLOVIN and Twitter

dress: old, bought from a Bazaar
jacket: very old, since 2001
shoes: Possibility


  1. I love your list! oh but minus the fish balls ;)
    Death is deffinately a scarey thing. Not so much myself dying, but the idea of anyone close to me is more terrifying. And working in the last ward I worked in, it was all too real, so so sad. But I also realised that death is part of life, as is birth.
    So I love what you have written in this post! Hope you are having a nice week Denise.


  2. I love your list of heaven. Say, see you in that kind of heaven. :P

    I'm digging those shoes. :)

  3. ako rin love ko all! except: Cheese cake & pizza :D
    ewan ko nga ba sis!!!

    nakikita ko na ung baby bump sis!! i am so excited for you

  4. youre cute in ur dress today. and i saw ur bump so kyot :)

  5. Haven't thought of my idea of what heaven is. I just want to see my brother there. :)

    Love your outfit Ate Den. This one's cute and I love your shoes! Always makes that nice pop of color :)

    Melai of Style and Soul

  6. Ganda!
    I like how you paired your yellow shoes with that. It gives an eye-popper!

  7. winner ang shoes. rampa.

  8. list of heaven??? ahahahah so many things...all FUN FUN FUN...everything is FREE and being with all your friends and family hehehehe its a total paradise...hahahh

    love the shoes Denise...and the baby bump is showing na hehehehe!!!

    take care love


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