August 14, 2010

Never Alone


I love dogs. I think they're all adorable. I was 7 when i had my first dog. His name was Angelo, Anggo for short. He died when i was 20, still in College and He was 13 years old. It broke my heart. And vowed never to have another dog again. For every dog owners reading this, you know exactly what i mean and what every dog parents go through each time our four legged brother/sister or son/daughter passes away. It is hard. More than hard. Painstaking. 

I don't understand why dogs live such a short life. That ain't right.

November of 2007, just driving after a coffee date with my then boyfriend - we always make sure at least twice a month to visit this pet shop. We have no intention of getting a pet cos we don't have a place yet and we're in the middle of planning our wedding, so having a dog is out of the plan and I don't think I will be ready for one. But when we saw these pack of wrestling puppy boxers, we knew the idea of parenting one became solid in our minds. Oh, they're so cute and such rascals. Once the owner of the shop opened their cage Koffy jumped to me. He was barely a month old, heavy and very warm. He hugged me and he kinda put his head over my chest and smelled me. He's our boy. He wouldn't let us pet his brothers or he would go ballistic. Koffy's very jealous. And so we took him home that same day. And everything became more nice, beautiful and fun between me and my husband. Honestly I thought the stress and challenge of raising a dog could break us but Koffy brought us more closer together. 

Believe me, raising a dog is a bit harder than it looks. It is messy, tiring and it will alter your life in so many ways possible. Don't worry the messy part is just on the first 6 months, but the joy and love they bring into your home is more than sufficient to compensate every morning/nights of walks and scooping poops. 

With Koffy, am never alone. When he looks at me like that, i just can't say no to what he wants. So later this afternoon, the 3 of us will go on a coffee date. Just the usual, nothing fancy.

So do you have a pet? A dog, cat, bird, snake, or fish? I bet they're the most adorable thing in the world. And i believe, pet owners are the kindest, sweetest, warmest people on earth. Am i right or am i right?

Have a great weekend everyone.

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  1. I have a Manx tomcat and he's the kindest and cutest cat I've met in my entire life! He could be independent and lazy as all cats are but not once did he raise a paw on a human being. And he's malimbing and a little mister sunshine, for he takes away unwanted stress. I miss him everyday. Been missing for two weeks now. But I'm positive I can find him pa.

    Cheers to our angels-slah-pets! :)

  2. I do have one Denise my baby Stacy...she is the best...she knows my problems, she makes me smile everytime I am sad...even though she is the naughtiest dog ever but every time I say no and stare at her, she knows me too much that she would give me that puppy eyes...

    Now i am completely missing her.
    She is in the Philippines and I am miles away from my baby!!!!

    it was just the cutest thing ever, since I came in Bangkok I though she will forget me because she was still a baby when I left for Bangkok, but when I came home for my vacay...when she heard my voice...OMG!!! I almost cried because she wants to cut loose and just hug me...

    That proves that your baby and pet is the bestest friend you will ever I am missing her more...

    Great post Denise...


  3. i've got a dog named Sara. she had a surgery yesterday and she's so weak now.. i pity her so much, i love her with my whole heart. and hope she'll get over it very soon..

    and i think you are very right about how much owners can love their pets.

  4. i never liked dogs because I've been bitten too many times before but whenever i see Koffy, i always long to have one, someone who'd always be with me... (who'd attack the dogs that would attempt to bite me)

  5. i had this dog named dipsey during college, He was given to me by my first ex boyfriend on my 18th birthday, although i don't really like pets esp cats, i guess dipsey thought me something about loving animals. So i went through what u said about 'parenting' ... and ive learned to love him like my own child :) i raised him till he was nine or 10 years i think, then he died of heat stroke i think.. he went that was it... it was hurtful to see him die....

    I really like ur blogs abt Koffy and ur really right ur dog is so handsome! :)

  6. You are right :)

    When a dog looks at you with those eyes and listens to you, you're melting away.

  7. We have 2 dogs, 2 turtles and 8 cats. It's crazy! But i cant imagine my life without them. My dog Woo is 9 yrs old now and I know in a few years he'll go na. Nalulungkot ako pag naiisip ko yun but that's life.. :]

    Koffy is very handsome! <3

    Lee []

  8. beautiful dog! looks like a fun one. and he looks cute with the sunnies on! hahahaha!

  9. You are right! I instantly like people who are animal lovers, I just think pet owners are very kind people in general! =)

    I hava a mixed Tzu, a big black Labrador that I share with my BF, and a Persian cat with my lola. They are the sweetest things! =D


You're AWESOME! You know that? You really are.