September 3, 2010

Meet & Greet : Can We All Meet Before We Die?

meet and greet

The sweetest girls of the WWW. Melai of Style and Soul, Pax of Drowning Equilibriums and Ava of Artsy Fartsy Ava

meet and greet
meet and greet

Noelle of Noelle Chantal and  Kookie of Death by Platforms

meet and greet

Definitely my favorite outfit of the night. Noelle literally put a twist on her long maxi dress and wore it as a mini dress. It's really so cute. Now she gave me a whole new idea how to wear my long dresses that makes me look like a hobbit. She both got her dress and the sparkly cardigan from thrift. She's like my long lost thrift sister. 

And Koooookiiieeee!!!! I think I made a very loud impression on her when i screamed at her face the instant i saw her walk in front of us. Oh she's so gorgeous. I love her red lips. I forgot to ask her about that cos you know me am like an infant. Red is the only color i see. And she's my favorite Glitterati Muse. I almost chocked on my close-to-snapping tonsil when her name was called and did her sexy walk.

meet and greet

More gorgeous ladies,  Velire of Jewel in the Sand and Bestie of The Capricious Club and super bubbly and flawless, Noelle 

meet and greet

I love these two. The founders of Ukay Manila,  Liz of Project Vanity and the super tiny and cute, Lauren of I am Buorgeois . And finally got to meet Toxic Disco Boy. He's my first gay best friend. Those necklaces are major major bling. I was actually thinking of mugging him outside the bar. hihihihi. But he's so tall, can't reach his neck.

meet and greet

The very nice Tin of Fashion Ate the World. I just discovered her blog today and am craving for her LV bag ring and Chloe shoes ring. Check her out. Drool worthy. 

meet and greet 

And of course, one of the owners of Glitterati : the busy, talented, fabulous, pretty, the living doll, Joanna of Only the Marvelous. Thank you Joanna for the invitation. This fun wouldn't be possible without you.    

Oh it was sooooo fun to finally see these amazing people aside through the computer screen. I wanna do it again. I can't believe I just said that. Knowing how much i dread events, cos it's like the first day of school : where you don't know anyone, or a blind date gone bad : failed expectations and some case of internet personality disorder. It's like getting to know each other all over again, only it's not romantic, boring, dead-air every 30 seconds. Do you know what i mean?

Am 30 years old and am very blessed with a few set of friends i love over the years. Am proud of that. But last September 1, on our way home, suddenly it got me thinking, what if all my friends die, okay that's shocking, or we all grow old and am the last one to die???? What will happen then? Who am I gonna call or see or just someone to talk to? That means no more birthday celebrations, no more cake, no more party. Am gonna be so so sad and alone. When I was so sure and that the last train to meet good people and develop real friendship was sometime in College, blogging definitely gave me a new perspective. 

I say, double/triple up your friends, the older you get, the many-er, the better. Just imagine all the people you know now, imagine them gone. It's sad right?

They say internet is the home of the people who has no life. I don't know who said that and why. But blogging is definitely a whole new world , where people find each other with common interests. This is definitely way better than school, where 50 different people confined together in one class expected to learn one thing at the same page, that after some period of time one or two excel, 60% pass and the rest, fail. I hate Math and Physics. Put me again in those class, Ill still finish an idiot.

Internet is actually a small world. Your point of  interest makes it small. If you love make up, am pretty sure you follow make up blogs. Your search history will prove that. Am I right, or am i right? Same goes to each and everyone of us, with different personalities and interests. Am sure by now you've found your own home here. Your own family. As long as we all play nice and cordially, even sometimes we don't always agree, as long as we don't fight and kill each other, this place called blogging is a nice, safe place. 

So can we see each other again? God knows how much i wanted to meet some more of you. Yes, YOU. Id really wanna see you, maybe sometime before we all die.

Follow me on BLOGLOVIN and Twitter

gonna upload more photos tomorrow. The Glitterati Muses. For the sake of my shoes, I can't sit in front of the computer for long now cos am afraid of swollen feet. 

See you all tomorrow. Have fun. Make more friends and be merry. 


  1. The internet is a fun place to meet great people!:) Was happy to meet you and the rest of the gorgeous people of the blogging world!

  2. Looks like you had a blast! All you ladies look fabulous! Simply gorgeous! :)

  3. Ate Denise! It was sooo nice meeting you! I'm soo happy :) Can I borrow some of your pics? Thanks! :) I hope to meet you again!

    Melai of Style and Soul

  4. WOW, i cant believe how many bloggers you had a chance to meet. Thats so awesome, all of the girls, oh and boy look lovely!


  5. Aw, I'm so sad I didn't get to see you in person! It would have been so nice.

    Kookie is the sweetest and my favorite muse as well!

    You look very much like you belong at that party. Hip outfit, Denise!

    Bea from A plus B

  6. love yah denise!!!:) so nice to meet you and your hubby!:)

  7. "DENISE!!!!!" (Kookie doing an impression of Denise..Haha!). Awww, I'm super touched naman na I was your favorite muse!!! I was super happy that I finally met you in the flesh! You're prettier in person! I wish I could've chatted with you guys longer. And I super love the photos from the event. Galing talaga ni hubby. So sorry if I kept making you (with the baby bump) and hubby (to help me with my cam settings) kulit.

    Hope I can see you guys again soon!


  8. ohhhhh envaaaay! wish i was still in the PI so i could've met everyone :(

  9. wow what an amazing experience to actually meet your 'blogworld' friends in person. for sure you all had fun! stay happy and healthy!
    if i will have the chance to visit manila, it would be more wonderful to meet you in person too! take the best of care

  10. Hi Denise! It was a pleasure meeting you! I will grab our photo okay? <3

  11. Denise! Wow love the photos! And thanks for liking my maxi/mini dress hehe. Yes, I'm you're long lost thrift sister nga haha! Gosh, super bubbly ko nga that night, excited much! hehe :)

    Miss you and hope to see you again! :)


You're AWESOME! You know that? You really are.