September 11, 2010

White Lady

White Lady
White Lady
white lady
White Lady

By now am used to hearing husband say to me, "you're not fat, you're just pregnant", or "there's no need to feel crap, it's the pregnancy". When days are crappy ( take note, not me) am glad to hear those being said to me. 

Honestly, I don't have any idea that pregnancy is a lot of work. Am not scaring you though, because this is the best thing that can ever happen to a woman who longs to be a mother and the best feeling in the world and the most thrilling nine months in the life of a husband and wife. And God knows how much i wanted to be a mother. We've prayed for this, we've prepared for this. But nothing can ever prepare you to the emotional and physical ups and downs the day you finally get pregnant. Because once you get pregnant you do all the work, the literal word "baby making" is all yours to do. Every single thing you do, everything you eat, it affects your baby. You can only do so much to be very careful and be healthy. So thank God for supporting partners. They make everything seem a little easy and oooohhh so sweet. 

Well, Ive learned that once you feel crappy just put on a nice dress, go out and take a photo of your bump. That always works. Or put on a red nail color, cos i read somewhere, that manicure is the new face lift. hehe. 

Anyway everybody feels crappy every once in a while right? Am not complaining, am just pregnant that's all.

Have a great weekend everyone.  

Follow me on BLOGLOVIN and Twitter

dress: Mint
belt: YRYS
shoes: Urge


  1. aww I can relate to your post.
    :)and I must a say, you are a very pretty, and fashionable preggy babe!:)

  2. You look fabulous even when you're pregnant. But it gives you a certain glow which makes your skin look amazing!

  3. Ate Denise!

    Are you kidding me? You look gorgeous!

    Melai of Style and Soul

  4. bongga. it's always nice to see girls showing off their baby bump. ^^

  5. What a sweet thing for your husband to say -- I'm glad you've got so much support.

    You look stunning, and I love the location for your photos.

  6. you look blooming as ever!!!! love the dress....


  7. M u i e la iehovisti, mormoni si atei!

  8. Love the outfit Denise! Especially the shoes! :D I want it!! Hahaha! :D


  9. You're really glowing!! I love your dress and how you styled it. :-)

  10. You still look good on that outfit even you have baby bump. :)

  11. oh girl you're positively glowing! that's one thing to put in mind. you're pregnant and beautiful at the same time. and shall we add,chic too!

    yeah we all feel crappy. it's normal. xx

  12. Wow, that belt absolutely makes this outfit!!

    I'm not so great at wearing white (I blame it on my hair color and skin tone), but you look magnificent. <3

  13. lovin ur preggy pix! i just did a shoot w/ my preggy friend the other day (w/ less clothes. haha!) u can check it out if u have time. :)

  14. Ang laki na pala talaga :D

  15. you're one of hte prettiest preggy mom I have seen..

    for a while there, I thought the grass flowers are part of the dress :)


You're AWESOME! You know that? You really are.