November 25, 2010

Belted Green Dress

belted green dress
belted green dress
animal print celine bag
belted green dress
belted green dress
belted green dress

At this point of my pregnancy I couldn't ask for anything more. I could not complain for more aches and discomfort too either. For those who haven't been pregnant, well, I feel like a crab lying on it's back now whenever i wanna get up from bed. It's that hard to get up. It takes a lot of planning and tricks to hoist myself up from bed. I look funny for sure. And ill keep that picture in my heart forever that I was once, you know, a crab.

Truth is I feel perfect. I know in my heart, nothing can go wrong anymore. It's the waiting that's driving me nuts sometime. So we're keeping ourselves busy. There's so much I wanted to tell you. But for now Am thankful for all of the good things happening for us. Am grateful, am thankful, am happy, we're good. Starting first week of December we're gonna move to a new place. Yey. Not an apartment this time, but a real house. 

This baby is bringing us a lot of change. Good change. Funny, considering he/she is only pint-size. But our pint-size comes with a lot of joy, excitement, love and sure, mountains of dirty diapers. I say, bring it on.

Follow me on BLOGLOVIN and Twitter

dress: thrift
shoes: Otto
bag: Celine
belt: Bench
earrings and necklace: Quiapo


One request though, I want a foot and hand massage. I've never had one so am looking forward to my first sit down with a real professional massage. Maybe later????


  1. Hi Denise, [again some unsolicited advice] I suggest you hold off on the massage. It can be unsafe when you're pregnant because pressing on certain pressure points can trigger premature labor. :) Be safe.

  2. DENISE! i love ur bag!!! and oh, im following u on twitter now! :)

  3. I'm really excited for you Denise! In a few weeks, you'll see your baby!

  4. Still cute as a button. Hang in there!

  5. Hi Denise,

    The bag;s really nice!!!

    May I ask, did you receive my e-mail reg. the giveaway? I'm Nina Lacson! hee

  6. Such a pretty print!!

    stop by!

  7. How exciting!!
    I love your dress too, the print is so pretty :)

  8. I looove that bag!! Just wow.

    Zeng from TheBeehive.

    PS: We have a giveaway~ :)

  9. You're a beautiful future mama the dress is soooo cute!!!


You're AWESOME! You know that? You really are.