November 7, 2010

'Til I Saw Your Face, Now Am A Believer

Baby Lozada

Tell me, is it a boy or a girl????

Oh man I don't know where to start. Tissue please.

Just had my 4th ultrasound a couple of days ago. The previous one - two and a half months ago, our baby's still all bones. So this time, when i saw our baby's chubby cheeks, i just smiled and it sure melt my heart away. It is overwhelming. It is L O V E. It simply felt so nice to finally put a cute face to all those kicks and pokes every hour of the day. It didn't took me long to recognize my husband's nose and forehead on the monitor and a lot of my father's chubby cheek. The baby's healthy, has the thickest/biggest hair, very energetic, round, has two sets of eyes, arms and legs, a big stomach and a strong pumping heart. The baby's perfect. That's all that matters.

How about the gender you might ask. Well, I simply gave the ultrasound doctor the hardest job by keeping from me the information if our baby has grown a bee or a flower, but known to my parents and to my traitor husband. I can't blame him for trying to know the gender of the baby. It has gotten to him since my parents arrived. He's easily influenced that's all i can say. Am not a kill-joy freak, I just wanted the surprise that's all. It's the excitement of not knowing. That's what surprises are for right? I don't care even if the whole world knows, I don't care for the little bee and flower, I just wanted a baby. I got to say, the ultrasound room was the happiest room in the hospital that day. It is my favorite room. Soon enough it will be the nursery. Very very soon.

SO, any guesses? Is it a boy or a girl? 

By the way forgive me for not updating too much these days, you see am very very very busy...... just watching the ultrasound video over and over again. Hope you understand. My favorite part???... it was when our baby tries to cover his/her face with his/her hands a couple of times. So cute. Shy and cute.


  1. I think it's a boy! And wow, Denise! This must be so amazing to see the life growing inside of you :)


  2. Oh wow... That is so amazing.. I know you must be feeling very overwhelmed.. I'm so happy for you! <3

  3. Awww so cute!
    I dont think I could take not knowing the gender, especially if my partner knew!


  4. awwwwwwwwww!!! i teared up too when i saw my baby. life will be so different with the little one around!

  5. i felt a lump in my throat while reading this. i can feel your excitement and happiness denise. it is so contagious. i am so happy for you. will say a prayer for you and your precious baby. :)

  6. I can just imagine how heartwarming that must be! :-) I hope it's a girl! Another fashionista like mom, hehe.

  7. awww, Den! i'm so happy for you! excited for the baby to come out...pero ang tagal pa nun!

    i think it's a girl!!! naku, sarap damitan pag girl!!!


  8. awww girl this is so heartwarming:) is it a boy? ako boy naman hula ko. hehe. hope you're doing fine, i know you are. We can all feel your happiness and love. :)

  9. OMG denise congrats. i cant believe u are pregnan!. u must be so happy.
    the way my mom says u can tell if its a boy or a girl is by the shape of your tummy. if its pointed its a boy if its flat its a girl. or it could be the other way aroud. now i am confused myself.


You're AWESOME! You know that? You really are.