December 23, 2010

Any Hour Now

last post for dressing for two

Hopefully this will be my last post for Dressing for Two. Had my check up today and my cervical dilation is progressing good, considering Am just on my 38th week of pregnancy, it's still early and my doctor said I won't give birth till after Christmas. Got to say it made my heart sunk. We want this baby for Christmas but we can't rush him no matter what. But there's a sudden change of plan, seems like this baby has a mind of his own. Any hour now I might give birth. I might..... Am still not sure. Contractions are coming, in fact it's been three nights in a row now that am having strong contractions. Nothing painful, it's like menstrual cramps only two to three times stronger. But it's tolerable. Truth is i wanna give birth now, tonight,  this hour, instead of blogging. hehe. But I need to do something else or am gonna be crazy waiting. 

Anyway, am going to bed now. Even though my adrenalin won't let me sleep, cos am just so excited to finally go to the hospital. I know it's going to be any hour now or tomorrow the latest, the important thing is am gonna see our baby soon. 

Have a restful sleep everyone. But before you do, please say us a little prayer - It's what we needed the most.Thank you, God Bless.


  1. Can't wait to see baby Katipunero with the cutest tiniest p***s in the whole wide world! :P

  2. How exciting! I can't wait to see your tiny little boy!

  3. Babies are the cutest things, and I can't wait to see photos of this new fashionist-o boy. :-P

  4. Praying for you and baby (and medical personnel).

    Merry Christmas!

  5. Wow! I whish you and the baby all the best!

  6. How exciting :) I hope everything goes to plan for you!!

  7. i'm following you!
    loving your blog, and i'll be back for sure!
    have a merry christmas and happy holiday!
    and come visit COSMICaroline for some more holiday cheer!!


  8. have a safe delivery denise! Merry Christmas! :)

  9. You look really lovely in that dress :) I can just imagine how antsy you must feel! Wishing you all the best :)

  10. We'll wait for your next post after recovery and that would hopefully include the baby.

    It was a journey seeing reading through your love story and super chic pregnancy.

    God Bless gurl!

  11. Hi Denise.
    Congratulasions! I am praying for you both :). All will be good. Merry Christmas.

    I have just move to Brasil to Macae. You can see everything on my blog. Greetings Barbara

  12. can't wait! I'm so excited to see the baby :D

    Merry Christmas Denise :)

  13. can't wait to see the little one!:) merry christmas!

  14. OMG its coming out. watching you thorugh this journey has been an amazing experince! it has definly been insipring at least for me that being pregannt and being a mommy is just as fabulous! congrats to u on the birth of your baby and i cant wait to you share your bundle of joy with your readers!

  15. Youre in my thoughts! I hope everything goes well and your baby is happy to meet you :)


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