December 15, 2010

Strippy and Some Say Say


Black is a slimming look when pregnant, so are stripes and prints. Empire cut dresses didn't work for me very well because am small and it makes me look ,well,  pregnant. It did make every part of my body big and really really pregnant. Anyway, personally the trick in dressing for two is to showcase that tummy but avoid those traditional maternity style. Believe me when I say that it is hard to put up a decent outfit when you don';t feel like going out and just play potato couch all day. And not to mention those insensitive comments like "magang maga ka na" ( you're so bloated), "iba na itsura mo" (your looks have changed) and some more I don't need to say. I don't know why people have to say the obvious that yes am pregnant, am fat, am eating for two. Sometimes i just want to talk back, be a bitch and say, "yes am pregnant, and what's your excuse for looking so crappy all your life". Well, wish i can say that up front and out loud. Maybe it's a Filipino thing. Instead of saying Hi or Hello, they'll comment first about your weight, your hair, your skin complexion (umitim ka yata?) and some more warts and every pimple on your face that they can see. Am not ranting, just saying. Am not sensitive either, just pregnant.  

I can say a lot of difficulties of my pregnancy, complain from time to time because it is hard. From day one till now it is hard. But I will never trade this for anything. Some part of me is saying I love being pregnant, just because this is a wonderful thing. I got to experience this finally and am going to be a mommy soon. 

Am not a martyr. So yes from time to time am treating myself with nice shoes am gonna wear after I pop, especially now that there are lots of goodies out there. It's Christmas time and am going to have fun with shopping. Am shopping for our new home, for the baby, for husband and of course for me. Guilt free. 

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top: thrift
skirt: Promod
Bag: Rue de CMG 


  1. i wonder why people give you those unsolicited comments. I sincerely think you look really beautiful.

    You just rocked pregnancy!

  2. "yes am pregnant, and what's your excuse for looking so crappy all your life"

    Atta girl. :-)

    The Manila Girl

  3. such a gorgreous mama to be! i look forward to the day i'll be a mom as well :)

  4. I also don't understand why it is like this for us Filipinos -- we always notice the bad things. :( It's too sad.

    Merry Christmas, Denise! And I can't wait to see your baby boy! :)

    P.S. You look great!

  5. don't let it get to you! moms to be are always beautiful, just the fact that they are carrying another human life is beautiful in itself. :) you're a stylish momma too, so what more can they ask for!? :)


  6. negativity will never make them pull a confident,secured chic like you down, especially now that mommy-hood made you even more beautiful. <3 <3 <3


You're AWESOME! You know that? You really are.