February 2, 2011


print dresses
suede brown boots

Obviously my choice of fashion these days are leaning towards hiding my post pregnancy tummy. Hopefully prints will do the trick. And the Suede brown peep toe boots, it's just a distraction from the rest of me. Am a shoe lady now, so am thinking, that  people, at least half of the population of the girls has the tendency to look at your shoe first than your face or your body right? 


  1. Guilty! ^^ I look at the shoe first, most of the time anyway, ^^

  2. bwahahahahahahahahhahahhaha


    cannot wait to see you getting fatter. breastfeeding will make you so hungry you will soon eat like a pig, you will soon look like a pig. haha.

  3. I'm one of 'em, too! Shoes first before the face! :)

  4. spot on, Denise! i work my way up when i eye other girls. when it comes to boys tho, i have a thing for backs & arms. hahaha!

    those prints are gorgeous, btw. <3

    boat ride through the sky

  5. You are so right! Aren't the shoes the ones which make or break an outfit?


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