February 18, 2011

Back To The Future

Irina Werning's Back To The Future Project
Irina Werning's Back To The Future Project
Irina Werning's Back To The Future Project
Irina Werning's Back To The Future Project
Irina Werning's Back To The Future Project
Irina Werning's Back To The Future Project
Irina Werning's Back To The Future Project
Irina Werning's Back To The Future Project

I love old photos. There's a feeling of mystery to it. The joy, rawness, and melancholy of memories it can bring to a person. I also love how everything looks simple back then, - before photoshop and dslr came to scene. I love the fashion and the hair of course. I love how women wear dresses and how men look so draper in their outfits. And personally, i especially love looking through some old photographs of me and my brother together with my cousins. It was so fun. We actually "play". The physical kind. We run, jump and climb trees and spend the weekend with our whole clan on the farm. We came from a family of farmers, so picking watermelon and mud bath is just another field of game for us. Right now we all live far away from each other.So looking at our photos brings us back together again. Suddenly i remember those nights of playing hide and seek, inventing horror stories to tell and sometimes salt fight when we can't seem to settle our quarrels. Kids uh! 

This morning all of my childhood memories came rushing back at me when i visited A Cup Of  Jo and discovered Irina Werning's Site and her Back To The Future Project where she invite people to reenact their childhood photos. Amazing right? 

Now back to me again. Id very much love to reenact this photo of me and my brother at the stairs of my late great grandmother's house. I miss him soooo much. And I miss my Lola Cela. Suddenly I miss everything before. 

cyd and den

1986, Cyd and Den


  1. oh, this is so interesting.. and that photo of you and your brother is so cute.. reminded me of me and my brother.. ah, nostalgia..^^

  2. Ooh I love it when people reenact old photos! Thanks for sharing this.

  3. i was smiling while going thru these photos. it's interesting. :)uns

  4. Awwwwww ~ CUTE! Great ideas specially for children. :) Are you going to do that with your angel, too? That'd be interesting!

  5. interesting photos.

    btw, your son is soooo cute.

  6. I love this! I think I'll dig through our old photos and ask all my siblings to get together and re-enact one :)


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