March 22, 2011



I like taking my outfit photos at home, i really do. Especially now that it's so hot out there, the humidity will ruin everything - your make up, your outfit, your mood. That's why i have this theory that fashionable Filipinos deserve a recognition on the highest level, like Parisian level of chicness  for dressing up to the nines in spite of our all-year-round-summer weather. I am not exaggerating. Sometimes i look at international blogs and say to myself, try living in the Philippines, let's see how fashionable you really are. Okay I am a bit bitter and 218% jealous. But seriously speaking, take my challenge, live here for a week and let's see those boots, tights, and leather jacket say goodbye forever.

okay that's it.  


anyway, i am not sorry for koffy's butt shot every time i take my photos at home. And Am kind of proud of his uni-ball. c",)

dress: thrift
shoes: Urban Original
tights: Kate Toralba
ring: Forever 21
bangle: Quiapo
cluth: SM Department Store 


  1. I hear ya... hirap mag porma sa atin lalo na pag sobrang init. all i want to wear is shorts and sleeveless.

  2. LMFAO! Uni-ball! Cutie! =))

    And amen! The weather greatly limits our fashion options. LOL

  3. well said, you really have to learn how to be creative with as little material as you can get away with but not too much that it's vulgar. it makes it almost impossible to layer even just two tank tops on top of one another. spevially today, i was sweating the whole day!

  4. i feel you on the limit fashionistas of the tropics encounter here in our little coconut republic. When i happen to go down to Manila, which almost always once in a blue moon. I resort to a simple jeans, shirt and sneakers. That's really one of the perks of living here in get to have an excuse to layer and wear boots!

  5. you made me smile cause i totally feel the same about their boots, tights, and leather jacket. hahaha. and you are so right about wearing those in the kind of weather we have.

  6. nice dress denise!! will you agree with me if i say that getting pregnant, giving birth, sleepless nights, and changing diapers really makes a woman much prettier? well,please agree with me na.. because its so applicable on you..
    ( can i make sama myself?hihihi) you are getting more gorgeous.. i think Yllac is your secret beauty regimen..hihihi.. have a nice day gurl!!


You're AWESOME! You know that? You really are.