March 2, 2011

Frankly My Dear, I don't Give A Damn

a dress a hat and oxford wooden wedges
a dress a hat and oxford wooden wedges
a dress a hat and oxford wooden wedges

Come March 15 I am turning 31. My husband made sure to remind me a week ago. The last moment that i exactly remember thinking about going 31 was last December, the day I gave birth to my son. I can't believe that it's march already. I feel like days and time are running too fast going after my retirement age. 

Something tells me, since I am turning 31, that i must do some real serious change in my life or at least in my little head of mine to justify my "new" age. But when i think about it, i just couldn't think of anything. I think I did better planning my whole life when i was 18. I was so sure i will make it. I had a plan. Sixteen years later none of them happened so why plan all over again right? If there's a real cosmic coincidence, then I am thankful for it is good to me.

So no more planning, no more counting. I hate math. Thirty one here i come!

dress: thrift
oxford wooden wedges: Urban Original
earrings: thank you Janis
ring: thank you tehteh abhie


  1. That's the attitude girl! ^^
    Oh I was able to listen to Melai, Ana and Ava's guesting on the radio the other night and you and your blog got special mention via Melai, ^^,

  2. Am really enjoying your blog Denise. You inspire me in a lot of ways. :)

  3. Very well said. :) And I can't believe you're turning 31. You seriously look a lot younger. :)

    p.s. we share the same birthday.♥yay!

  4. Eh ano ngayon, di ka naman mukhang 31! You look sooo much younger than your age actually! :D Have a good day!

  5. Gorgeous. You are so inspiring, sweety. I love you blog and am so glad that I've found you and that I am following.

    Thanks so much to put me on your fave list. That truly means the world to me. Looking forward to seeing and hearing more of you.
    Karoline Kalvo

  6. The years go faster and faster the older you get. I'm amazed by it. 31 seems like SO long ago to me. The time has flown by. Happy bday in advance!

  7. I LOVE your attitude, you are fearless! I'm gonna email you, we have way too many things in common!=)=)

  8. Your dress rocks, I love how you paired it with cream. :) I'm turning 25 in March and I'm a little panicky because I don't act like an adult and I don't have my life figured out yet!


You're AWESOME! You know that? You really are.