March 27, 2011

March 24, 2011


Happy Sad Day.

We celebrated Yllac's 12th week birthday at the hospital. Yllac's a brave, happy baby and I am a weeping mommy. So much crying happened and am sure I am about to cry again today. I am not pregnant anymore but am still pregnant with emotion. c",)

Am just glad we went through this with the help of a happy/supportive family and friends. I want you to know, I love you. 

You know that story you probably heard all the time, a baby being hospitalized and it just breaks your heart. And when it happened to you, you still can't believe that the baby in the story this time is yours, and in your mind lingers that famous question, - why my baby. It is tremendously heartbreaking. From the moment I felt how feverish Yllac was and that time our doctor told us he needs to be hospitalized i just want to cry there and then. My mind can't think straight anymore. All I see are needles and Yllac's small hand. He was so little for those needles, x-ray and ultrasound. But he was brave. Thank God. And he likes nurses.

I hate hospitals (and UTI particularly this time) and you probably too. Thank God for thinking daddies when all mommies do is mop and cry. Husband brought Yllac's music with him and all his toys. It was a great distraction. We had a little party too. His guests? - the nurses and the staff. It was fun. Sad at first but it ended fun. 

Just glad we're home now. He still has his IV on his right hand for his antibiotic medication. He looks cute actually. It looks like a laser beem gun or something.

Am still sad whenever I think about that afternoon of March 24. I don't want it to happen again. Please God, not anymore.


every month, 3 days before the 24th:

on his 1st month we got him a chocolate cake.
on his 2nd month we got him a "drummer boy" cake
on his 3rd month we got him a "doctor boy" cake. 

I hate the doctor boy cake. Am sooooo mad at you doctor boy.


  1. Oh dear!! He's sooo cute!! Happy Birthday! :D

  2. Awww poor little fella, you must have been so scared.
    I work in a hospital so I dont hate hospitals ;) and if a hospital saves a family member like they did for me last year you wouldnt hate them anymore :)


  3. @rose. am sorry i should have not used the word hate, i only "hate" hospitals because of my sad experiences with it. But hospital is a place where people get well too and give birth. i gave birth in a hospital so whenever we pass by it, it brings a lot of emotion. i don't hate it hate it. if you know what i mean. more of am scared of it. c",)

  4. that's so scary! i'm really blessed that my daughter never got hospitalized. knock on wood, hope she never does. it's really traumatizing. at least he's okay. it's remarkable how these little ones seem to exude so much more strength than us. :)

  5. a bittersweet celebration...
    mommy na mommy ka na tlg den! sino bang hindi matatakot pag nahospitalize ang anak, esp. someone as focused as u are...

    God is good, He heals :)
    Hope and pray for yllac's full recovery :)

  6. praying for your full recovery,yllac!
    happy birthday.

  7. awww! i hope he's fine now. I went through the same thing when my baby was born. she had to stay in the hospital for seven days. It's truly amazing how resilient babies are :D

  8. i'm so relieved yllac is not afraid of nurses... he would not be afraid of me then... get well soon baby yllac! mwuah!!!


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