May 10, 2011

Don't You Dare Die On Me

fave shoe

14 month old thrifted boots

I think my most beloved shoe is about to take its last step and go up straight to shoe heaven soon. Am sad. This boots is my absolute companion on my rugged days - when I don't feel like wearing my other pretentious shoes. I am always going back to this boots for comfort and am just a bit heavyhearted for not showing her to you on this blog more often, considering am wearing her almost everyday. If this one die, I'll have a hard time finding another one that can fill the shoes ...... of this boots.

Do you have a favorite shoe? Care to show me yours? Post about her maybe. And if you do, tag me, I wanna see.

(edit) ps, so i can do a blog post all dedicated to our most beloved shoe. Post your shoe and i will blog them here. And I know this sounds rude, but will your shoe attend the wake of my boots?


  1. I do have my favorite shoes, and yes it is also slowly dying on me. I'll make a post of it soon.

    I hope we have this power to make things last forever. :) I can totally relate to your dilemma!

  2. it's really sad when you finally have to put a favorite pair of shoes to rest..sana talaga pwede sila masave lage =(..i laughed at 'will your shoe attend the wake of my boots' hehe..

  3. my favorite embellished snake design flats died on me a couple of months ago but i still keep it in my shoe cabinet. tried reviving her but to no avail :(

    Perfumed Red Shoes


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