May 9, 2011

It's Time For Us to Meet on May 27

Bloggers United

Hello you guys. Talk about chance of a lifetime. I am so excited about this I don't know where to start. Okay, okay okay, read the poster first.



I think we should all meet at BUAISA, (cool acronym ei?, i coined it) pronounced as boo-wey-sa or Blogger United: An Interactive Shopping Affair on May 27, 2011 at the Malayan Plaza. This is exciting. All bloggers will be there, at least all the bloggers you can spot on the poster and we will sell our clothes, shoes and more stuff and if you like them, you can buy them straight from the bloggers.

This is kind of important for me. This is my chance to finally meet all of you. I hate not knowing who my internet friends are and this is the only day of the year, so special where I can see all of you in one place. You see I don't usually attend events. Am far away from Manila and am a Mommy. But I can promise to attend events soon when Yllac finally goes to college, you know, when he's all grown up, and doesn't need me anymore. But right now, I can pinkie promise to be at Malayan Plaza at May 27, from 10am to 10pm. I will wait for you there.

Now, we need to sign an imaginary contract. If you're gonna come, please raise your right pinkie and swear on the life of it, that you will come no matter what, we will meet and take pictures, and giggle, and laugh and burp and fart. c",) Because this might never happen again. Okay I am over reacting. It will definitely happen again. But the first is always the most memorable and special.

I will see you there. It's a date.


You're AWESOME! You know that? You really are.