June 1, 2011

Oh Life!

Red and Blues
Red and Blues
Red and Blues
Red and Blues
Red and Blues
Red and Blues

When I am in an open space I feel like I own that place. I can do pretty much anything I want. I know I am home. I love where I am right now. And I love my life exactly the way it is. Sure I want more, I want change. I want something still unclear to me. But life right now is just enough to give me a sound sleep at night and not ask for anything more. I have a singing dog. I have an eight kilo baby that can't roll over but sits perfectly straight and can do up to ten sit ups. And i have a husband who laughs like talking tom. Today is perfect.

Happy Wednesday my friends.

dress: thrift
shoes: Dollhouse via Urbanog.com
necklace and earrings: Quiapo
belt: YRYS


  1. Hello Ms. Denise! saw you at Bloggers United! You look thiner in person!! REALLY PRETTY! :))

  2. Carefree. :)

    New follower here. Hope you can follow me back. Thanks! :)

  3. talking tom talaga? haha, that's funny! :D

    i loveeeee the jump shots denise! especially the 2nd to the last one..wow your hubby really takes amazing photos. <3

    ♥ vanilla ice cream ♥
    SALE at shopyapi.com

  4. awesome background! u're back in bataan? the weather there is looking good. and i love the jump shots!♥ happy wednesday to you, too! :)

  5. I LOVE your jump shot!!! And the lipstick!

  6. I love your blog. your style and vibe are great.

    Check mine out!

    Follow me back if you like it, apreciate it!

  7. I love your shoes, Denise.. still looking gorg as ever. :) Hope you're doing great!

    xx Love & Aloha


You're AWESOME! You know that? You really are.