August 26, 2011

I can't Get My Photos From Flickr, So I Posted A Video Instead

I promised more shoes tonight over at my store, but flickr is such a drama queen, I can't grab the html codes so here is one among the thousands of videos of my two babies playing .... or staring at each other or whatever telepathic thing they love doing everyday.

Koffy is the sweetest most gentlest dog you'll meet. Sometimes I think there are just some things in this world you can't explain. Like the way they are. And words can't explain the wonders of life. Just like dreams, like the sun, stars, rainbow, rain, love, babies and dogs. It's another chance at life to finally have my little family, and through them to see the world the way I see it now..... everything is prettier, vibrant. I never saw beauty and felt love like this before. No exaggeration. I love my life just the way it is.

Goodnight everyone.


  1. Hi denise im a new follower. got ur link from blog hopping . I really love ur blog,how u write, ur outfit from fresh to funky, shoes, ur dog, ur baby, and the place wer u're living. pics are always fresh kasi full of greens. I love ur posing simple but with attitude... i love it all =) nice blog keep it up

  2. very cute video!


You're AWESOME! You know that? You really are.