August 15, 2011

I Just Wanna Say Thank You

Hello girlfriends. I want you to know how much amazing you are. I appreciate all the re-blogs, retweet and promoting my shoes among your friends, families and to the internet. I know I lack the talent for advertising my store via email and with a limited time in my hands right now thank you for doing the advertising for me free of charge. So really,thank you, thank you, thank you so much. Thank you for continuously checking out Shoe Etiquette and actually buying something. It's a kick of my everyday getting emails, inquiries and orders from you, just like how my coffee and my son's smile and my husband's hug gives me life..... So thank you. I guess there's no other way to say how thankful I am through my shoe giveaways right?

kolleen feria Sandie

These lovely girls, Kolleen, Jade and Iris are wearing the sold out Sandie lace up Booties. Sandie is a very special shoe for me. She's the shoe that convinced me to start Shoe Etiquette. She's got my eye and seriously thought why not buy them in bulk and sell them? And just weeks after the launch there's no more Sandie to sell. So to other 23 girls who got Sandie, keep her, because I will not be selling more of her. Sorry girls I do not do pre orders. It.Is.Just.Sooooo.Boring. I guess in a business you have to take some risks. And there's a certain high i get from carefully trusting my instinct when it comes to picking the next shoes to sell. Flop or not, it is a learning experience.

kolleen Feria

Anyway here is Kolleen .... again (thank you so so much girl) wearing Cammie. It's a weird feeling to get attached to your shoes. Especially if you're a shoe seller. Personally I wouldn't sell something I won't wear, so that each shoe leaves me a special story to tell. And it's really weird that I know each person who bought my shoes and what kind of shoe they purchased and their size. WEIRD. I mean this is exactly the kind of fun you have running a small business. It's personal. Well I don't know what will happen to Shoe Etiquette a year from now. As long as it is fun for me and for you, then business will go on. Since Shoe Etiquette is still in business, maybe It's a bout time to create a separate Facebook account for it don't you think? Because I just cannot have the dumbest name in facebook forever - Denise Lozada Shoe Etiquette. hey, it's not entirely my fault. Facebook allowed it.

By the way there's only 1 pair of Cammie left. Are you a 7.5? Pls email me at

Again thank you so so so so much.


  1. ^^, ROTFL..taob ako sa "dumbest name in facebook forever " mo sistah!

  2. You pretty much said what i could not effectively communicate. +1

    My site:
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  3. i still feel bad about missing out on cammie :)

  4. The print on the first girl's top looks somehow similar to Schmug's Ramley magkapamilya sila :))


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