August 17, 2011

Once Upon A Time

Once upon a timeOnce upon a time

...he was a teeny weenie.

Two days after giving birth two nurses knocked on our door and handed Yllac over to us. We're officially parents. I remember being so excited and scared at the same time for I don't know anything at all about new born babies. But i do remember my boy's smell when i first held him. It's the sweetest smell of all. Nothing can ever top that. I guess that's enough to give me the confidence that nothing can ever go wrong, besides we're still in the hospital. Though Yllac doesn't smell like that now, still he smells sweet. And sour. Still yummy to me.

i guess since the day I got in charge of this boy's life my life changed overnight for good. Though I am still clueless at some areas, i know we're gonna be alright. Looking at him now all meaty and happy and loud is enough evidence that I am doing well as his mommy.

I can never forget seven months ago when his Pediatrician gave me a piece of paper, and there a couple of lists of what-to-do at home for the new born baby and funny she assumed that I have a relative living with me to help take care of my baby, so when she asked me if i know how to give bath or clean the navel or how to burp the baby, i was gonna answer her with NO but instead I said - "I've read a lot". She laughed. She thought I was joking and asked again "is there really no one?, a mom-in-law or your mom?". Nope, just me and my husband I said. She paused for a moment and said "that's just okay, you'll be fine". Not that having one baby makes me an expert but I guess I am. A little. I gave him his first bath back when he was all skin and bone and all wrinkled. And It's not for the faint of heart. Trust me. Newborns are scary looking.

Well, I am having a nice time right now remembering everything seven months ago. It's nice to look back. It's nice to relive all the nice memories we have. All the feelings that sprung up from reminiscing always gives me a nice feeling of contentment and joy and love. I do this everyday, when it's silent , my boy is sleeping and it just makes me feel good inside.


  1. Aaaawwww... All your posts about Yllac are very heart-warming. You're such lucky parents! And Yllac is luckier to have you. :)

  2. Totally off topic, I saw Sandie worn by a Chalk model on FASH (Lifestyle Network)! :)

  3. Yes! my humble online shop! hihi. trying online selling this time :)) Thank you, Denise! :)

    Really?! They looked exactly like Sandie and so I thought!! Meron din pala PRP, didnt really noticed the details since they focused on the whole outfit itself. Natuwa nga ako eh! haha! Wanted to take a photo to document it sana and send it to you! If I catch the replay Ill try to. :)

  4. I always love reading about your family.. I feel like Yllac is growing up before our eyes!

  5. Hello! Thank you so much for the comment. You don't know how much it means to me.. :) I read your blogs written while you were pregnant. And you might think it's crazy, but, I actually thought of you and your preggy outfits when I found out I was pregnant! hahha For real!!! I thought of how to be able to muster courage to still be stylish like you when you had your bulge. Thank you so much for wishing me well. :) It's heartfelt, Denise! :) So much.

    BTW, Yllac has a warm smile! :) He's so cute! And big now! :) I have not been active on blogger since I started work again in May so I missed a lot about your motherhood. But yes, you are doing a great job! I salute you! :) I can only hope that I could be half as great as you are as a mother. :) Please pray for me, for us. :) Thank you! :)


You're AWESOME! You know that? You really are.