August 24, 2011


Up side

You will never believe what just happened tonight. This night was EPIC.

That little guy, who turned 8 months today (say what??? 8 freakin' months already?) just did something out of his weird world. He fall asleep all on his own just like an old person, without any tricks, swinging and dancing from me. We we're just playing and he was sandwiched between two big pillows then I saw something in his eyes, like he's about to pass out or something. So i continued rubbing his tummy and legs, and just like that a miracle of some sort took place. He closed his eyes and that was it. He was asleep. Oh.My.Hot.Dog! This never happened before. Yllac is the kind of baby that needs to be groggied before yielding to sleep. In fact putting him to sleep is a lot of work. But tonight, after kissing him a gazillion times - our little mommy-baby tradition that makes his eyes close and smile oh so big he then fell asleep on his own. Something tells me times are changing. I think, he's actually growing up. I just wish Jayson was here to see all these. But there's always tomorrow right? So please cross your whole body for us will yah?


  1. Lol yah it's happened to me a few times too. It's so hard to put my son to sleep, like 1hr plus sometimes. Is he sleeping through the night? My son so is not and just turned 9mo. I think the trick is to tire them out with lots and lots of play time? Also my son sometimes gets more energy after play time; so hyper lah so anyway wish you many easy sleep times ahead(:

  2. Yey congrats!!:) I remember how hard it was to make athan fall asleep when he was an infant. I knew all the cradle and bending tricks haha! But around 6 months he started being better, so this means yllac is on his way!:)


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