October 20, 2011

Show and Tell. What A Crazy Difference Three Years Can Make

Hello everyone! I want you to meet my friends.

It all started fourteen years ago, but that's just toooo long ago, so Ill just start from three years ago......

3 years ago at our wedding
3 years ago at our wedding
3 years ago at our wedding

three years ago on our wedding we looked like this. Crazy ei?And then we all decided to make babies. Nope! Not those two guys already doing it in-front of everybody. I know, It's really sad, but for some reason they can't conceive. They could have been a great couple.


See? Like a pandemonium, one after the other started popping out. It's crazier. Babies are love but it's a riot having them all in one place. But it's really nice that we are these people now. Loud. Happy. Mommies and Daddies.


Case in point #1. The classic father example. Once they become dads you can never see them anymore without a diaper bag and stroller on their side. And some of them may, let's say, hmmm over eat or lose weight. I don't know. You tell me.


Case in point #2. (all together now) aawwww! Yup. He is a great Dad. A very doting, loving, giving Dad. A sacrificing Dad. He'll sacrifice a meal or two all for his oh so cute 5 month old daughter. No wonder she's bigger than him.


Case in point #3. The proud parents. Yes we all are. We carry our babies, flaunt them like a shiny new bling, like on a show-and-tell. Annoying to non-parents I know, but soon you'll be like us too.

To be honest it's a blur to me the things we used to talk about before parenthood. It's weird that all we can ever talk about now are diapers, milk, sleeping pattern, allergies, cetaphil, fever, tantrums, pre-school and whatever that pops into our mommy brain. I remember asking one of my friend a month after giving birth the things we concerned ourselves back when we were single. Because I just can't remember anymore. It was like being a mom gives you amnesia for all the stupid things you've made. How convenient right? But It's really like that. Anyway all am saying is, wait till you have a baby to finally say, "don't sweat the small stuff". Because babies are no small stuff. Okay, yes they are small but they're kind of a diva and they will change you forever. Babies are like, "I am not gonna change for you mommy, no-oh, I am gonna change you".


Case in point #4. Every single meal is a battle. Am a tell you, you fight for every bite.


Case in point #5. Every place is a freaking photo op. We're officially annoying. Unbelievable.

14 years ago not one of us thought we'd be like this. Dates are harder to organize now depending on the moods of each baby, but look at us, we're all over the place and just happy and crowded and harassed. Yeah like a real parent. Three years huh? Yup, We've come a long long loooong way.

Okay, that's all for now for a show and tell. Goodnight everyone.


All photos we're taken by our very good looking friend Jeffrey Mendoza, aka the guy in black on the last photo, aka our still single friend, aka looking/single and soooo ready to mingle, aka but he's not that desperate, aka actually he's into photography, aka if you think you love him already shoot me an email at harukijayden@yahoo.com and let's not waste the beauty that he is. Madaming nagugutom sa mundo, Bawal magsayang. c",)


  1. kainggit! mas madami na ang crowd at mas maingay hahaha kung dati mga bote ng alak ang hawak, ngayon naman mga baby bottles na :)

    miss u guys... see u real soon :)

  2. i loved this post! :) kakaingit galing ng circle of friends mo... and ur so pretty in ur wedding day!

  3. Wonderful friendship photos! Brings warm & fuzzy feelings to the fore. =)

    BTW, yeah I agree on the good-looking friend. Wish him the best. I LOL'd at "let's not waste the beauty that he is." Tama, tama. :)

  4. ang ccute ng mga daddies may bitbit na chikitings!!!!


You're AWESOME! You know that? You really are.