November 1, 2011

For This Halloween Instead Of Candies I Got Shoessss

like Christmas. new shoes

..and two more. And now you all hear my satanic laugh, Weheeheehee!

Okay before you give yourself a triple bypass i got each of these ladies under 20$. The cheapest one in 11 doHllas! Sweet!

And now you hear my defensive explanation/justification. Here goes, (imagine my Jesus face) I don't go to spas and salons, I don't get professional massages, just like you I am just a girl who loves shoes. Cheap, nice shoes. I am a mom without a nanny. And it is a lot of work, therefore I need shoes. I may not be good at essays but you can connect the dots am trying to make.

Thank you for listening. And thank you for rejoicing with me.


  1. ooooh shoes definitely over candies!! what a treat!

  2. lovely shoes indeed <3 ang dami! im so inggit!

  3. like i said babe, its totally okay to spoil yourself a little bit with all the hard work you've done and are doing around the house. kudos!


  4. well lucky you! youre on for a good treat indeed! and its not even christmas yet!

  5. waaaaahhhh denise! i seriously need new boots (cheap at that) for my S. Korea trip this nov...where'd u get them??? :D tweet me!

    ♥ vanilla ice cream ♥

  6. bongga ate den I love how you defend your self! hahaha nga nmn!

  7. the first 3 shoes on top are my favorites! :)

  8. denise! will you be selling these in shoe etiquette too??? i really really love the green flats... (hehee i have to wear flats a lot because hubby is shorter than me... :D)


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