November 29, 2011

Friends, I Need Your Blessings

Denise <span class=

....or I will throw myself down this road.

If you don't understand what am talking about , it's okay, It's me. You see a couple of months ago I got an email from The Philippine Blog Awards that I received a nomination for the Beauty and Fashion category, all thanks to Ezra Montemayor for nominating me. And today, a very special day, I made the final cut. See here. (Evidence????) Seriously? The Philippine Blog Awards???? Big Deal! It made me really happy to think that there's someone out there thinking of me as a "blogger". Sometimes it's difficult for me to believe in myself and in what I do. Most of the time I cringe at the thought of me actually reaching out to people, afraid am being arrogant for accepting praise and comments, afraid it would get into my head. Because seriously how can it not get into your head?

Blogging changed my life. But not really. You know what I mean?

Recently my family got hold of an old magazine where I got a little feature alongside other Manila's top bloggers. My brother was like "Ate Ikaw to? Nasa magazine ka? Paano?" (Ate, is this you? You we're in a magazine? How?) Why didn't you tell us? ...well among many-more-other questions. I have no idea why I didn't told them. I can't remember my reasons last year. I know it's a big deal, at least for me. Deep inside it is. I am happy. Am leaping with joy. I remember not sleeping out of excitement. But each time am about to tell them I shrug it all off and think it's not that big a deal. So forgive me for not telling this one to you. I tried to make a post about it, but it never happened. Again I don't know why. Guess, I really need to believe in myself more.

You see I blogged because I am a loser. I still feel the same way till now. But that's another story I will tell you soon since I am (now) confident enough to admit how much of a loser I am.

It's a crazy world out there. But am glad I have come to "meet" you all here. I am grateful for you. I don't say that because I wanna butter you up. c",) But seriously am happy doing this little thing called blogging. Am glad that through Denise Katipunera, I am able to talk about my life as a wife and a mother in a positive way and to share with you my latest fashion interests and my thrift adventures. I am happy here. Denise Katipunera is my other home and I hope you feel that you're always welcome in here.

Anyway, this is long.

I am happy that's all.

I hope you're happy for me too.

love, Denise

i finally told my Mom bout this and she took me out shopping today. But Ill stick to my recent thrift finds. After all I look so much better in ukay dresses.

this is my 5th attempt to publish this post. I am the oldest chicken in the whole world. true story!

I wanna win.


  1. WOOOOW! Of course We'll support u! ^^ Voting ba?Bilis na maghahakot n ko ng boboto!^^.

    I just want to tell u that U ARE ONE OF MY BLOG-INSPIRATIONS. 2 kau actually (unfortunately, Ms. LEAH is in hiatus right now)na idol n idol ko noon pa man na I was just starting with ukay and blogging! ^^

  2. wow this is big time, may you continue to inspire others.. i mean us! I hope you win, mabuhay ang mga katipunera! haha, goodluck :)

  3. You deserve the nomination, Ms. D! No, let me change that, you deserve the award! Good luck, and we'll support you all the way :)


  4. denise!!!! waaahh!!! im so happy ezra nominated you! i was about to do the same but got busy and totally stopped with PBA nominations after iv send my nominations for ezra hihihihi :D you truly deserve to be recognized in PBA... i saw the other 2 nominated blogs and im pretty confident you'll get it! hihihihi :D

    you know what...your blog was the first fashion blog iv encountered some 2years ago while i was trying to travel blog hop...di ko na maalala pano ako napadpad here but i shared your blog to ezra and she fell in love with you too! :D and you know what...i used to keep a travel blog lang pero i started a blog similar to yours kasi naaaliw ako masyado sa blog mo, na kahit di naman ako fashionista e gusto ko lang iblog ang attempt kong mgdamit hihihi to think na i prefer pants and shirts lang before.... and you know what, after ezra nominated that blog for PBA-mindanao...i won!!!! :D bwaha! only because walang kalaban! hahahaha winner! too bad i didnt get to go to the blogfest in gensan, just gave birth and all kasi... :D

    here share ko kabaliwang blog ko:

    cant wait for your blog to be announced a winner this weekend na right? you are a good inspiration to many...thank you! :D

    p.s. di ko pa nbblog manika! sana will be able to...soon... nilalasap ko pa kasi maternity leave ko, ilang araw na lang matatapos na huhuhu

    haba ng comment! bwaha sorry. :D naexcite ako for you!

  5. congratulations on being a finalist, Denise! you're one of the most down-to-earth bloggers i know. you really deserve it. :) can't wait to see you again at BU2!

    boat ride through the sky

  6. Congrats & Goodluck, momma blogger! :)

  7. win win win girl.the blog drama is yours.

  8. Awesome blog fellow pinay!! :) I enjoyed reading your posts, So I followed you! keep 'em coming!! :)

    Also, I'm a new blogger so please visit my page, I would really appreciate it!! Thank you! heehee xoxo

  9. Congrats Mommy Denise!!! well deserved and nomination and ang win if ever.

    I love reading all your posts! they're always full of heart and wit. they make me laugh out loud!! :)

    ps, I want you to win too!!!


You're AWESOME! You know that? You really are.