November 6, 2011

Nude Boots

nude boots, denise katipunera, pinay filipina fashion blogger, mommy style on budget, thrift velvet skirt
nude boots, denise katipunera, pinay filipina fashion blogger, mommy style on budget, thrift velvet skirt
nude boots, denise katipunera, pinay filipina fashion blogger, mommy style on budget, thrift velvet skirt

I love how weather can be cocky and bitchy at the same time. Brings out the worst in me.

I know better, (really!) Ill dream up some scenario in my head about my outfit being photographed in all sense of dream-like shots. My skirt swaying according to the wind hugging what's left of my post pregnancy "bod", my hair perfect and glowing. It's a nice thought isn't it? But the scenes in my head often do not play out that way in real life. In real life it is raining, raining hard, the sun is missing, and my hair decided to ignore my pleas and play pretend dead. The only thing that didn't throw a meltdown on me is this boots. This is the only stable thing in my life this day. So yes, you can say I love her already.


  1. The boots, I like! Parang Isabel Marant lang!

  2. boots! im on the lookout for boots! waaaah! <3
    love this pair denise..such a classic!

    ♥ vanilla ice cream ♥

  3. Hi, this blog is really amazing and provide me answers to all my questions. This is really informative and I will for sure refer my friends the same.Boots are looking good.Thanks for sharing.

  4. I literally exclaimed "oh my gosh!" at the sight of the outfit! Lovett! I love how you put them together and oh, I so adore the red belt!:)


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