December 30, 2011

The Cutest Thing In The World Right Now Besides Yllac And My Future Baby Girl

custom made leather nude booties
custom made leather nude booties
custom made leather nude booties
custom made leather nude booties

Oh!...these custom-made leather boots i got yesterday for a whooping price of 1400php. yey! i think i deserve some sort of bragging rights for getting nice cheap shoes this year. I did well my friend! So let it be known that I am the Rockstar of all cheap things!

Now you all laugh with me Bwahahahahahaahahahaha!


  1. you rawk! these are lovely and for the price, ha. you can't beat it! kudos!

    hope you, yllac and the hubby had a good christmas babe!


  2. hay, another of your boots that i really love! which reminds me, i haven't gotten around to wearing the ones you gave me. soon, promise! :D

    boat ride through the sky


You're AWESOME! You know that? You really are.