December 29, 2011

Life In Progress

stripes and dots, denise katipunera, pinay fashion blogger, mommy blogger, style on a budget
stripes and dots, denise katipunera, pinay fashion blogger, mommy blogger, style on a budget
stripes and dots, denise katipunera, pinay fashion blogger, mommy blogger, style on a budget

I try to be a good person. I really really do. Id like to think that i am one. (wink)

I've actually stopped letting the water run when brushing my teeth and made quite an effort to stop using plastic bags. I've ignored, or still trying my very best to deadma the silly rumor circulating the rumor mill (hope not in your mill) about my life and have never retaliated the sorry girl. Or not tweet about it. See, I am good. I've actually switched to coke zero. I am eating more vegetables and fruits now more than ever and have been moisturizing not just my face but my whole body. I must have forgot so many times that a thing called birthday is an annual thing so newsflash I am not 18 anymore. Going 32 in fact in 3 months time. So it's been fourteen years that I've been sinning against my skin. I've been a good friend too this year by actually returning their calls and replying to my friends text messages and a week ago I started taking my vitamins in a faithful kind of way, every morning after breakfast. No more cheating. About two weeks ago husband and I enrolled to a gym and this time we're "fully committed" to a healthier, stronger parents we can be.

These are the little things that makes me feel like my life is in great progress. That I am actually growing up to be a lady.

And also I've been considering shorts into my wardrobe now. Lady shorts.

Not panty shorts.

stripe top: thrift
polka dot sheer top: gift
shorts and necklace: SM Dept. Store
boots: Make Me Chic


  1. I wish I can say this too. I try but then I'm so addicted to sweet and junk foods. I should try harder next year.

    Ces of

  2. I like your hair here. Looks like a brand new you. :) Happy new year!

  3. I wish I have your commitment! And lol at the lady shorts part. Haha!

  4. i love this post, so inrpiring to improve oneself


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