January 25, 2012

Fun Brights

denise katipunera, pinay fashion blogger, fashion on budget, mommy style, cobalt bag, leopard print wedges, orange dress
denise katipunera, pinay fashion blogger, fashion on budget, mommy style, cobalt bag, leopard print wedges, orange dress
denise katipunera, pinay fashion blogger, fashion on budget, mommy style, cobalt bag, leopard print wedges, orange dress
denise katipunera, pinay fashion blogger, fashion on budget, mommy style, cobalt bag, leopard print wedges, orange dress
denise katipunera, pinay fashion blogger, fashion on budget, mommy style, cobalt bag, leopard print wedges, orange dress
denise katipunera, pinay fashion blogger, fashion on budget, mommy style, cobalt bag, leopard print wedges, orange dress

If there is one thing I've learned : is to never be embarrassed about something you like and never compare yourself to others. Because no two people are alike plus admitting and declaring what makes you happy even makes you happier. Such a breather.

So ill come out clean and show you the list of things i like that makes me terribly happy lately...

  • reheating my starbucks latte at home the following morning
  • looking at my shoes. Just looking.
  • ukay-ukay (thrift stores)
  • instagram
  • yllac's delightful scream
  • rubber ducks
  • Handy Manny
  • husband and baby boy's duets
  • scrubbing bathroom tiles
  • i love lucy 
  • collecting small jars
  • free ebooks
  • hardware stores
  • cheap paintings
  • watching make up tutorial on youtube
  • googling Ryan Gosling
  • colors. prints. Yellow will always be the color after my own heart and orange lately. 
How about you? What makes you happy these days?

jacket and dress: from Mom
bag: Hong Kong
leopard wedges: Make Me Chic


  1. I love how your dress looks with the jacket! And OMG, is Instagram addictive or what?

  2. Ryan Gosling is ridiculously guapo! loved him in the movie The Notebook.

    love your dress, Denise. now i want an orange dress for summer :D

  3. super agree with the "googgling ryan gosling" haha.. i think I also have to start watching make-up tutorial..

    love the jacket and shoes of yours ofcourse :)


You're AWESOME! You know that? You really are.