January 31, 2012

Happy 32nd Birthday To My Favorite Husband


Jayson, back in 2007 wearing a ridiculous necklace and bracelet. 

Happy birthday husband! You're simply the best of the best of the best of the best. I want you to know that You're my favorite husband among my other celebrity husband. You're my numero uno, so no need to be jealous over Ryan Gosling or Matt Damon. And because of your pure awesomeness, am sure you are Yllac's and Koffy's favorite daddy too. I love you before and I even love you now as you take the role of a daddy. I love how you listen to my nonsense and quick to forgive all my shortcomings. Yllac, Koffy and I are so lucky you landed on us. 

Happy birthday love.

Yllac driving while daddy takes my pictureeaee1e0241eb11e180c9123138016265_7

...thank you for Denise Katipunera. 


  1. sweet post! happy birthday to your hubdub, denise!

    perfumed red shoes

  2. Thanks labidabs. You deserve all the pampering and care that LOVE can give. I love you more and more each day... and Salamat sa surprise balloons!!! Felt like am 22.. =)




You're AWESOME! You know that? You really are.