February 25, 2012

DIY Crayon Light Catcher

DIY Crayon Light Catcher

Give your window something pretty to look at and through with these translucent hanging circles made of  melted wax-crayons and waxed paper. Here's how...

DIY Crayon Light Catcher

You will need wax-crayons, waxed paper and iron.

DIY Crayon Light Catcher
DIY Crayon Light Catcher

using a pencil sharpener shave some crayons and deposit it inside the folded waxed paper.

DIY Crayon Light Catcher
DIY Crayon Light Catcher

Iron lightly on medium heat. Just give it a quick sweep because the crayons tend to melt easily. You can use brown paper to protect your ironing surface just in case there's an unexpected spilling. After all the crayons melted, let cool. And then trace your shapes (just circles for now, but you can use hearts, or other shapes) and cut. And that's it. Hang them by the window with any string of your choice.

DIY Crayon Light Catcher
DIY Crayon Light Catcher
DIY Crayon Light Catcher

Now I feel cheerful already. c",)

I wish you all a great weekend! God bless.


  1. wow! that's pretty amazing, please make way for the newest fasyon na art angel :D

  2. too pretty to not share! ang astig! will do it at our house and our boarding house for some instant smiles! thanks for this XD

    Almira :)


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