February 29, 2012

I Would Like to Tell You That...

Stuck At The Temple
Stuck At The Temple
Stuck At The Temple
Stuck At The Temple
Stuck At The Temple
Stuck At The Temple

.....I honestly cannot remember those sleepless nights on the first couple of weeks we had Yllac. I do remember that I cried many nights, but I can't remember anymore why. 

.....and that we're thinking of expanding our little family maybe next year. We want a baby girl. A girl so soft, she won't give us a headbutt and won't punch us in the face when she's excited.

.....every family is unique in their own weird way. That every family has different stories to tell. And every family celebrates their love for each other in so many ways. That's why I am thankful we got to share some of our family's little story here and share our joy as new parents to this beautiful baby boy. 

.... every night before i close my eyes to sleep i beg and plead to God to keep my family in his safe arms forever. Protect us and all our families and friends and that He would continue to bless us with love, joy and a grateful heart for all the things we enjoy big and small.

....Jayson is the love of my life. 

.....Yllac is our life.

....you bless me, this blog blesses me.Thank you.

.... I am excited for March. It's my birthday month. I am turning 32. Yey. 

.....this is my favorite thrifted mommy-dress. It has so many stars and it makes me happy and comfy. 

Have a happy happy day everyone!


  1. Aw. You're inspiration to most of us luv, sa family life, love life, fashion wise and about life---the list goes on---don't mind some people na walang magawa sa buhay. Basta we love you,=D

  2. i would like to tell you too that

    ....I don't think you're as good as you like us to think. Your blog is edited to the point of make believe that we should all be as happy as you. This is not real life.

  3. I am not negative. My honesty is not portrayed as a negative. And why do people think walang magawa when a person opposes like me? She blogs about only happiness. If she's honest, please tell us your unhappy times too.

  4. dear anonymous,

    life is not perfect at all, theres a bunch of ups and downs, theres the good and the bad, to know denise and jayson personally is such a blessing. they are really awesome! and I love them a lot! I feel sorry for you because I can tell from your post that you are one of those people that dwells in the bad things in life, one who cant find happiness in somebody else's triumphs. You are such a pessimist, maybe you need to take some anti depressants? I feel sorry for your bleak existence! And if you dont have the decency and the courage to show who you really are, maybe you should bite your nasty tongue back and stop making stupid comments BITCH! watch out, youre turning green coz of ENVY!

  5. Dear Anonymous,

    you dont have to like Denise, i dont think she'd want to buy your approval as well. it's just surprising that however you sounded like you despise her, still, you keep coming back here and post comments for what?

    for a friend who knows her and her family, i cant help but not react on your bashing. if you really dont like her, you can stay away.

  6. Dear anonymous. nega ka teh! dami mong sinasabi. pakialamera ka inggitera kang dami mong alam!!! ikaw na ang maraming alam sa buhay iblog mo nalang yan kesa comment ka ng comment. kanya kanyang trip teh!~

  7. Dear anonymous..

    Hindi ka cguro marunong magblog! try mo iblog lahat ng hate mo sa katawan ng sumaya ka! hahahaha

    Dear ate den,
    Love your haters. They’re your biggest fans. Because they keep on wasting time just to watch your every move. Ang Ganda mo ate den! sna mgka haters din ako! it means sikat na ako! hahahahaha

  8. Anonymous,

    Why don't you start a blog and write about the things you'd want to read instead of telling Denise what she should and shouldn't be writing about? Why do you aggravate yourself by reading other people's blogs when you dislike them? What is the point? Go ahead and write about what real life is to you. I would be really interested to read about your take on things. And I'm not being sarcastic either. Do something constructive with your opinions instead of picking a fight with someone who's obviously not wanting to engage with you, judging by her lack of response to your comments and emails.

  9. Very well written guys (except for you the negative anonymous). That's exactly what I thought, why does she keep coming here if she doesn't like Denise's posts? She is just making it hard for herself. It's clear the Denise would not waste time on her and yet she keeps coming here to waste her own time.

  10. You have a beautiful family Denise. Advance Happy Birthday! Time flies by so fast when you have a little one isn't? No matter how hard it is to be a mom, it is the most fulfilling job of all. I remember those sleepless nights but they are all so worth it.

  11. cute kid....i was talking about having one myself last night with my bestfriend...hahaha. at 19 lang po ako. :)))))

  12. your hater should read all your past posts Denise. as a regular reader of your blog, you do have times of unhappy moments. eh ano kung mag make believe ka at gawing fairy tale ang story ng buhay mo? this is your blog you can post what you want to post, walang pakelaman ng trip hahahha..more pics na labas ang tuhod te! go go go

  13. I've just been here today just to have a look. i have to agree with the first anonymous, It is not real. All staged. This is just so good to be true. You're turning your life into a public performance. It's like come see us, adore us, we're perfect. I mean where's your privacy and all. You kid is known by all. I love my husband and my kids but I won't parade them in a blog.

    Clearly Denise you got yourself a number of worshipers. Lol.

  14. Anon before me, you don't sound like you've just been here today. Kunwari ka pa. Why are you so angry?

    If you don't like what you see and read, what are you here for giving your opinion? I may not know Denise personally and i wish we're real life friends because she sounds like a really nice person, i can see from her lack of attention to you, she's a woman with a strong personality and moral. She won't give you any time of her day. So go away.

    Denise, ignore them. Good for you and your husband for being happy. We love your enthusiasm for life and family and simple things in life. You remind me personally to
    not take everything seriously. Your blog inspire me to never abandon the child in me.

  15. Anonymous is delusional and narcissistic. If I were you Denise I'd make the comments by approval only. Anonymous craves and feeds off the negative attention and is using your blog as her stage.

  16. I agree with bubby's mummy's comment.... spreading nega vibes and using your blog just to make herself feel good and a bit famous in some way... kawawa naman...

    trying to suck out energy by being so nega over you just to make herself feel good... a very pathetic person at that... cguro walang kahit anong masaya sa life nya ngayon at kelangan nyang mgbitter-bitteran sa mga taong masaya.... lets just extend our understanding sa mga taong malulungkot ang buhay... :-)

  17. thank you everyone.

    anonymous 11:56pm - good, something we can both agree.

    anonymous 10:34pm - am happy for your husband and kids. they have you.

  18. I, being a "ranter" need your blog Den so I can continue to appreciate life, nature, family, and the little things... since nega sometimes yung life ko, I need to see something breezy and fun and carefree.. (who said it's a crime?!!)

    What's fun about your blog is, it's not all fun --- you can make a sad situation lighter than what I can conjure from it.. you blog what's real and it shows your personality. I wish I could be more like you, I am a full fledged pessimist and it's a shame because I am a Christian... I shouldn't be thinking so nega minsan.. I am blessed because of the bloggers like you...


You're AWESOME! You know that? You really are.